New Student Conference

<p>Hi my new student conference isn't till July 10th. I'm worried about all my classes filling up bout time I get to register. And that would be veeeeery problematic for me because I don't want to push my graduate back a semester or a year, I'm trying to get in and out in 3 years (I'm a transfer student).</p>

<p>My major is computer engineering. My question is how likely is it that my academic career will be pushed back due to a July 10th NSC?</p>

<p>I’m coming to the LAST NSC (in August) so you could have it worse…
But the rumor I’ve heard is that they open up new spots in classes for every NSC, hopefully someone here can confirm that…</p>

<p>@smooth76 Are you engineering as well? I talked to an advisor about the subject and all she said was that they would try to work with our schedule. For example if intro to engineering 1 is filled up, we could take the second one first, then the first one in the spring.</p>

<p>But I hope that rumor you heard is true.</p>

<p>Me too. I have registered for the last one as an engineering student </p>

<p>If son is still waiting to hear about admission and scholarships from other universities, but also knows that TAMU is among his top choices, is the best advice to go ahead and accept admission and register for an NSC now, rather than wait and risk having no space available? He, too, is Engineering.</p>

<p>@bigDeeOT I’m not engineering.
@yakker if TAMU is among top choices you should have signed up for NSC as soon as you got the acceptance. The NSC registration is not binding so all you would lose by signing up is the non-refundable 100$ registration fee.</p>

<p>Thanks a million, @Smooth76. Signed son up this morning. Unfortunately, it was for the last NSC, the one in August, but, on the upside, he can go the NSC, register for classes (whatever’s left!), attend Fish Camp, and start classes all in the span of a week, so just one trip to Bryan/College Station for everything, I guess.</p>

<p>The new courses that open during NSC weeks are primarily for freshmen, not the upper division courses. Upper division are primarily opened in the spring (one exception is certain professor approval courses). You will most likely be fine as a transfer, once you’re in upper division they know how many students they have – you might not get the most ideal schedule, but you should be able to stay on track. If you have an issue, consult your advisor - they can help you out. Also current students & freshman do change their schedules during add/drop week when school starts, so you can possibly get a ‘better’ course during that time frame. An earlier NSC does have some advantages if you’re looking to take courses that are not typical freshman courses. A later NSC ( we experienced one of each with my two kids) does still allow you to have courses - it just may not be your ideal selection. Yes, some courses do open at each NSC. The key is to have several schedule options ready at sign ups - your entire NSC starts on the computers signing up for courses at the exact same time - courses fill as fast as students can type (or copy paste) & hit enter. Honor students do not have preference at NSC, they start at the same time as everyone else.There are always a few students with schedule issues, but the majority do fine.</p>

<p>@yakker. I think we will be doing the same thing. Are the dorms open after NSC and Fish Camp?</p>

<p>“your entire NSC starts on the computers signing up for courses at the exact same time”</p>

<p>You mean the second day of NSC right? Or is it the first day?</p>

<p>“courses fill as fast as students can type (or copy paste) & hit enter”
Man I guess that’s how it is at every school. So I’m guessing we can browse what classes are available before we attend the NSC right?</p>

<p>yes, course sign up is Day 2 it’s the last thing you do at NSC. They’ll help you on Day 1 with meetings by major, explaining the process & meeting with advisors. Then you spend the late evening pouring over your potential schedule choices on your own. Course catalogs are always online & you can search for your major’s course requirements too. The missing item is what courses are open for your NSC–that info I believe was not available until Day 1-unless someone else remembers differently, I think that’s correct.</p>

<p>@bigDeeOT. Its far better than the old days. We used to have to go to the fieldhouse. Each department was sett up with tables with boxes of punchcards for each section of every class offered. You had to race from table to table and grab enough cards to complete your schedule. If the box was empty for the last class you needed you might have to take a different section. If that conflicted with another card in your box, you might have to start all over. The entire process could take hours. Or you might have to grab what you could and hope for some luck with drops and adds. As a last resort, you could appeal to the professor to add one more student.</p>

<p>Oh memories. This was at Michigan State, but the process was pretty similar at most of the big state schools. </p>


<p>Typically will an engineering student have problems with registering courses if he/she comes for the last NSC? </p>

<p>@Beaudreau – dorms officially open on August 24, the day before the last NSC, and I think the last Fish Camp runs from August 19 through the 22nd, so it’s conceivable that they could do it all in one fell swoop. And, I’m told that for an additional $40, you can register to move in a day early–on August 23rd.</p>

<p>@Yakker. That’s great information! This can save several trips to College Station.</p>

<p>@Yakker. Where do you live? Has your son decided on TAMU vs. Colorado School of Mines? </p>

<p>@Beaudreau – We live in Arkansas, so A&M is relatively close (about a 7-hour drive, as compared to the 14-hour drive to CSM). We have not yet resolved the A&M vs. CSM dilemma, and now UA Fayetteville has been added to the mix with a very generous offer. We are visiting CSM one last time next Monday, where son will sit through 3 classes with a student and have lunch with another, and then we will try to do the same at A&M early next month. Then it’s decision time! Will keep you posted, and if we end up at A&M come August, we’ll have to try to introduce ourselves and our sons!</p>

<p>About 16 hours from Phoenix/Scottsdale. It’s looking more and more like I will be an Aggie Dad. Hope to meet you and your son.</p>

<p>@yakker - We were in Golden this weekend and did another drive by CSM but really didn’t do a visit this time. Love the city of Golden. I just wish CSM wasn’t so expensive. I have a daughter at UArk. She absolutely loves it. She picked it over A&M and is so happy. My son will be at A&M in engineering this fall. At least that decision has been made. Now he is just trying to decide where to live and what roommate.</p>