New Student Orientation

<p>My S is about to start his second day of new student orientation here at Colorado College. I've been very impressed so far at how well-organized this has been. No long lines, no frustrating bureaucratic hoops, no confusion about what tasks need to be accomplished. Experienced students and recent alumni are all over campus to help with move-in and answer questions. We were well fed (and hydrated) all along the way.</p>

<p>My S had an appointment with the learning center to discuss strategies to help manage the work load here. The helpful, knowledgeable staff spent about an hour one-on-one with him discussing resources (speed-reading classes, writing assistance, etc.) Then they sent him away with a LiveScibe SmartPen (Livescribe</a> :: Never Miss A Word) and a year's suply of media, free of charge, to help him take more effective notes. So the learning center is very well funded, staffed, and equipped to help students make the most of their challenging classes.</p>

<p>The beautifully landscaped campus, with the Rockies looming in the background, is inspiring. The dry, sunny Colorado weather is a welcome relief after flying in from the hot, humid east coast. Colorado Springs is a pleasant surprise, too. We walked up and down Tejon Street on Friday evening to take in the night-life. Within about 10 blocks of campus we found a city park; night clubs; a funky used book store; a musical instrument shop (sales and repairs); restaurants; a movie theater; clothing and camping equipment shops; and a very nice bakery that serves sit-down breakfasts 6 days a week. This really is the best of both worlds: Rocky Mountain hiking trails a short drive or bike ride away, plus the amenities of urban life within walking distance from a fairly sequestered, traditional campus. This mix contrasts favorably with some of the more isolated LACs. No wonder it's one of Princeton Review's "Happiest Students" schools.</p>

<p>Despite this rather unique environment, it still has the imprint of the traditional, New England style liberal arts college it was designed to be. Shove Chapel is a stunning replica of a small, medieval European church, where we all ushered in last evening for a welcome address by the Dean of the College. In contrast, the new Cornerstone Arts Center is on the cutting edge of modern architectural design, with state-of-the art facilities for collaborative work in film, dance, painting and sculpture, etc.</p>

<p>In a couple days S will be off on an "outward-bound" type orientation trip designed to help new students get to know each other. His group apparently will be back-packing and clearing brush from mountain trails (though less athletic kids have other options). For many students, this will not be the only such trip in the coming months, as field work is well integrated into many of their classes (Life Sciences, Geology, Archeology, Anthro, etc.) under the one-course-at-a-time Block Plan.</p>

<p>Your kid ought to get a discount for your fabulous review.</p>

<p>I can say as a parent of a rising junior that it isn’t some “show” for the new freshmen.</p>

<p>Take advantage of all that CC has to offer. This year (2009-10) my son is signed up for a course for 8th block that is being taught in Taiwan (Taipei) and the airfare over and back is included. </p>

<p>Dad (me) is planning on meeting S in Thailand to do some adventure stuff in the North.</p>

<p>S called this evening after returning from a 5-day orientation trip in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains. His group of 8 back-packed up to a base camp at 12,000 ft. to do trail maintenance. This involved hauling 40 lb. bags of soil uphill and moving rocks into place on the trail. Then they scaled one of Colorado’s “fourteeners” (14K ft peaks) to enjoy the view (notwithstanding a little altitude sickness.)</p>

<p>Tomorrow after an address in the chapel is the first class. So he’s working his first 200-page reading assignment tonight. </p>

<p>He’s loving it.</p>

<p>tk21769-- I seem to recall that was the FOOT that my S did. He liked it too. What course is your son taking for the freshman double block class?</p>

<p>BTW–Do all you “newbie” parents realize that CC doesn’t take off any of the 3 day national holidays? Another reminder is that in my experience, freshmen don’t necessarily call to remind the parents that they are on block break.</p>

<p>07Dad, my understanding is that the 5-day orientation week trips (called the “Priddy Experience”) are distinct from the FOOT program (“First-year Outdoor Orientation Trips”). Some, but not all, of the Priddy trips were mountain experiences this year. Apparently they all had a service orientation (maintaining trails, working in a women’s shelter, etc.) The day before these trips went out, they had a colloquium with author Barbara Ehrenreich (Nickel and Dimed) on the experience of low-wage work in America.</p>

<p>The FOOT trips, run by the Outdoor Recreation Committee, are backpacking trips that go out over the first block break. For newbies or visitors: [Colorado</a> College | FOOT Trips](<a href=“]Colorado”></p>

<p>I think the course my kid signed up for is this one: [Mathematics</a> FYE Course Selections](<a href=“]Mathematics”> There are only 8 students in the class. Although it is in the Math department, it is very reading and writing intensive (~200 pages assigned for the first day).</p>

<p>Thanks for the info about holidays and block breaks. Colorado College does everything a little differently, I guess.</p>

<p>Oops, wife tells me there are actually 20 kids in his class, not 8. Still pretty small though :)</p>

<p>You are right about the names–I was thinking about the Priddy experience before the classes started freshman year.</p>

<p>Well–last year and this year there are some weird situations around Thanksgiving. There is a normal block break from mid-day Wednesday of the week before Thanksgiving through Sunday night. The new block starts on the Monday of Thanksgiving week and the students only get off that Th and Fri for Thanksgiving.</p>

<p>Thanks for the lovely review. Lots of nostalgia here.</p>