New to the Transferring process

<p>Hi everyone! Since I have returned home from break, I have given thoughts to transferring. I am currently a freshmen at a small competitive school in Connecticut. I received a 3.6 GPA for my first semester. I am currently happy at my current school, but I feel that I want more of a campus life and diversity on campus. Also do colleges re-calculate GPA to their system in the admissions process? Here is a list of what I am looking for in school. Thank you very much in advance for your help!
1. Smaller size school(5,000-10,000 students)
2. Near an Urban area
3. Diversity in Student body
4. Geographic diversity
5.School Sprit(football games etc)
6. Arts on campus</p>

<p>First you need to ask yourself…Do you really, really want to transfer? It’s going to be like starting all over again. Plus it’s extremely hard to get financial aid from most places that you might transfer. If you are happy at your current school, I think you should really consider staying, just because of these reasons.</p>

<p>About the GPA thing, it is going to depend on the individual school, and you’re going to have to e-mail them and ask when you decide where to apply.</p>

<p>As for schools, Northwestern sounds like it fits all of your criteria, but it might be a little reachy for your GPA. What were your high school stats? What EC’s are you involved in now? Also, what region(s) of the country are you considering? These things are important too.</p>

<p>what school are you at? no need to be furtive. we need to know your hs stats/ec’s as well as that will be the major factor in your app</p>