New UM construction plans are in!!!

<p>Ok good news to all future Canes and current students!
UM just released their detailed construction plans map. it details all the construction blue prints with dates of completion for all 22 buildings going up on Coral Gables campus from here to 25 years from now. To my satisfaction a good deal of buildings where going to be completed between now to 2010 so We will see a lot of the new buildings.
- New University Center
- New Business buildings which include the new Biz residence halls (yupeee im majoring in finance)
- New music buildings
- Alumni Center
- Otto G Richter Library expansion
- Law School addition
- Pavia Parking
- a few other things</p>

<p>These go up from now to 2010. </p>

<p>heres a link, I hope it works if not tell me and ill give instructions how to get there.
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>