New York Student & Parent Reception

<p>Hi all,
This is just to let you know that this year’s Student & Parent Reception will take place at The Garden City Hotel.</p>

<p>This is always a popular event, so come early. In the past Valet Parking has been provided. The speakers are awesome and the free food is yummy. You can go to the NY Recruiters page and sign up for the event but you can also just show up. In the past, if you have registered there will be a name tag for your student. (they have also given out t-shirts).</p>

<p>I suggest coming early to get seats and something to eat before the presentation and speeches begin. Just an FYI, many student dress in Buisness Casual and I have seen plenty of houndstooth, and crimson & white on both students and parents.</p>

<p>November 13, 2014 (7:00 AM - 8:30 PM) : UA New York Student and Parent Recruitment Reception
Garden City Hotel : Garden City, New York</p>

<p>I am bumping this for prospective students and their parents.</p>

<p>I am hoping that if you have The University of Alabama on your radar you will come to this event. It is a good chance to meet other prospective parents and their students and experience firsthand what The University of Alabama is all about. I have been to several of these events over the years and feel that they are extremely worthwhile. </p>

<p>We plan to attend the reception near us (PA) – what is it like? Is it ok to drag the Middle School sibling along?</p>

<p>I havent been to any receptions in PA. However, all the receptions that I have attended basically follow the same format. I will try to give you an overview of the events that I have attended.</p>

<p>When you arrive there will be a table set up with name tags for the student. Your student will pick up his/ her name tag and then just start to mingle with the people who are there. Everyone will be wearing name tags, so it will be easy to identify the university personnel, alumni, students, and the university parents. There is also a table with brochures that the students can take home. </p>

<p>I suggest you find a seat right away and place your bag or something else there to hold it. The room will fill up really quickly. There will be food and beverages…a lot of finger foods like cheese, crackers, crudites and dessert items, also coffee, tea and a variety of cold drinks. The food is plentiful and Yummy. I have never seen them run out, usually there is an abundance left over. </p>

<p>Getting there early will enable you to park, get settled, and meet some of the university folks right away. I definitely see a benefit to this because it can give you an opportunity to ask questions. Soon after you arrive, the introductions and speeches will begin. Normally, the recruiter who is hosting the event does the intros and there is usually a student speaker, a parent speaker, the keynote speaker, and then someone else who could be a past athlete or other person of interest to close the event. The speeches are not long. the keynote speaker does speak for a longer time because they are generally covering a wider variety of topics such as: academics and scholarships etc. My favorite is the student speaker. Your students will get a first-hand perspective from someone their own age. In the past, the keynote speakers have included Deans of Engineering, Deans of Arts and Science, the current university president Dr. Bonner, the past university president Dr. Witt, and Dr. Witt as Chancellor of the UA System. </p>

<p>Once the speeches begin you probably won’t want to get up to go to the food tables, most people don’t. So fill up your plate with food and beverages and then relax. Everyone does. </p>

<p>After the speeches and the farewell, you will see people immediately forming lines and gathering together to ask questions. Now I have seen (in the past), a formal question and answer period but over the last few years that seems to have given way to a more casual informal approach. This portion can take some time and you may even hear the answer to your question while you are waiting. It is really up to you if you stay at this point. If all your questions are answered and you came early and met the staff, you will probably just leave. I happen to really like this informal period. It is when I usually connect with some of the CC’ers and get to meet prospective students and parents. I only attend as a student parent (now Alumni student parent). I find that most parents really enjoy meeting other parents with whom they can correspond and ask questions of.</p>

<p>There are usually t-shirts given out to the students with some sort of UA logo. If you have registered for the event, your name tag and t-shirt will be available. If you have not registered there are still usually extra t-shirts. I say “usually” because I can only go by what has happened in the past.</p>

<p>Now for your younger students, I say definitely bring them! There is a lot of enthusiasm and excitement in the room, which seems to be very infectious. It is a good introduction to The University of Alabama for your younger students and it will help make them look forward to their own college experience. I never find these events boring.</p>

<p>As for the matter of “Dress” -students will normally dress up in at least Business Casual or sometimes school uniforms. I have seen a lot of Houndstooth and Crimson attire in the past. Parents can be casual, but since many come directly from work, expect to see a variety of attire from suits and ties to dressy jeans and Alabama gear.</p>

<p>I really think that you will enjoy this event and I hope you share your viewpoint and opinion after you attend.</p>

<p>Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>Thanks @robotbldmom‌ ! Good tip about arriving early & loading up the plates :)</p>

<p>^^^ haha, You’re welcome, have fun!</p>