New Zealand question - It's No Error

<p>I scored 800 on W in May and I wish I put C for this question.</p>

<p>Me, too. I usually score 800s on Writing. I put E for this problem. I feel horrible…!</p>

<p>^C may still be wrong. We won’t know for sure until we get the QAS.
But I do think it’s C. I put C without a second thought, just by going off my ear (not the smartest thing to do).</p>

<p>Well, we don’t know for certain, but if I had to take the same test right now, I would put my money on C.</p>

<p>Let’s start making bets on this question! I bet my internet pride and a cookie that it is E. </p>

<p>Call my crazy but I talked to another consistent 800 W scorer and she said E. Lol :D</p>

<p>Anyhow, excited to see how this question goes…</p>

<p>The technically correct answer is E, but collegeboard will most definitely consider C to be the correct answer. They are very rigid in their grading structure, and this is a classic idiom question.</p>

<p>I always got all of the writing questions right using my foolproof “does it sound wrong?” method. According to this method, the answer is C (if the sentence has been transcribed correctly).</p>

<p>hahaha does it sound wrong…</p>

<p>yea it is an adverbial dangling modifier.</p>

<p>oh well, looks like CB had “when” as the correct answer. Luckily my 11 essay still got me the 800!!!</p>

<p>Congratulations, CrazyPluto!
Just weighing in with a suggestion after reading this thread: If you are writing for a reader at a university who is 45+, “when” should be “that.” If you are writing for a reader who is 30-, then “when” is perfectly ok. Use your best judgment with readers in the range from 31-44.</p>