Newbie Freshman parent - visit or come home before Family weekend?

<p>So should we wait to see my Freshman until Family weekend? We are 4 hours away and could visit or have him come home before then. But is it better to wait to let him get fully adjusted? Opinions please!</p>

<p>Truth be told, when I first heard of “Family Weekend”, I thought only really awkward people would want their parents to come down. But I’ve been here for three years now and I’ve known a lot of people that have their parents come down. I’ve never had my parents come down, but it would be pretty cool to have them. </p>

<p>They keep you busy all weekend and lots of people do it. Come down then. </p>

<p>Family weekend is just six weeks after the start of classes. I don’t think there is a need to visit or bring a student home before then, barring unusual circumstances. (My daughter wants to come home right away if her pets get sick…) Glad to hear from @CloudyCloud that the Family Weekend is enjoyable!</p>

<p>Thanks, that’s what I was thinking. For the record, I’ll probably miss him more than he’ll miss me!</p>

<p>I am in the same boat, @jhoelscher. My nest will be empty!</p>

<p>I’m a little surprised the Family Weekend is the week before Fall break. I don’t know that we’ll come for Family Weekend and then come back to bring him home for Fall break. Do any student stay on campus for Fall break? It’s only 1 day, the Monday I believe of no class right?</p>

<p>Parents Weekend is scheduled around activities on campus i.e. football. This year’s date is the first non-football weekend of the fall. It’s unfortunate that it’s so close to Fall Break, that’s not a great combo for travel.</p>

<p>Fall Break has Friday off, classes start again Monday. Thursday afternoon classes are sparsely attended as students try to get away as early as they can that day.</p>

<p>I don’t think we can do Parents Weekend and come get the next weekend to bring him home. What’s worse, not having parents for parents weekend or being on campus for Fall Break?</p>

<p>@jhoelscher, I don’t know the answer to your question, but consider that your student may be able to carpool home with another student who lives nearby. Or take a bus (or other public transportation) to get home. (There is a Facebook page for VT carpools.)</p>

<p>Why don’t you ask the kid?</p>

<p>I plan to but I also wanted a feel for how many kids leave campus for Fall break.</p>

<p>My son never came home on a Fall Break given it is only 1 day (we are 4 hrs away). Just enjoyed being on campus without classes. The campus is still very, very full. </p>

<p>Just ask your child what he wants to do around Fall break. </p>

<p>Most people just stay in town. The school doesn’t kick you out like they do for Spring break, Thanksgiving, and Winter break. </p>

<p>Thank you! that’s what I wanted to know!</p>

<p>I lived about 4 hours away and never went home for fall break after freshman year, but it seemed like most people didn’t. Parents weekend is pretty crowded so I’d suggest visiting on some other weekend.</p>

<p>My son did come home for fall break last year as did most of the kids he knew. At that point in the semester he felt he needed a break and to get away for a few days, the work load was an adjustment for him. We live 3 1/2 hrs away and there are tons of kids who live in the general area for rides back and forth. </p>