- admitted?

<p>I accidentally accessed the website <a href=“”></a> while attempting to log on to the Application Manager website…I submitted my UCSD ID number and password and it took me to an unfinished webpage for Muir College detailing orientation appointments, etc. Can anyone else access this? Does this mean that I have been accepted?</p>

<p>o shoot, i tried and got nothing. oh great, i got rejected?</p>

<p>:( I can't probably means I'm rejected</p>

<p>Says: We were unable to locate your PID in our database. Please contact your college's Acadmic Advising Office.</p>

<p>^yes same here</p>

<p>i've done it on different occasions and sometimes it will send me to the muir college website, and sometimes it will say that they can't locate my PID. weird.</p>

<p>I can access, and I've been receiving Jacob's school of Eng. emails for the past however many thursdays.
Maybe? I'm not sure!</p>

<p>Stats? ...</p>

<p>Hm there is a tab for Prospect Students and etc...
I don't think it's anything</p>

<p>i'm a transfer if that makes any difference...i have no idea</p>

<p>papercuts, thats the wrong website. the newstudent website takes you to a specific college website with info about orientation.</p>

<p>are you a transfer as well papercuts?</p>

<p>oh haha, oops
no i am not a transfer, collegekid2007</p>

<p>i think it should work for everybody (transfers and freshmen), but i guess we'll see</p>

<p>I can't access the site either. :(</p>

<p>I sure hope this doesn't mean I'm rejected...</p>

<p>We were unable to locate your PID in our database. Please contact your college's Acadmic Advising Office.</p>

<p>can't get in ;(</p>

<p>I checked that website, and the strangest email came to me. UCSD sent me something telling me that their library is now open for later hours oO;;</p>

<p>UCSD has been sending a lot of that spammy stuff to all applicants (it's not from the website)</p>

<p>Dude! I got the library email too...</p>

<p>This was posted in the UCSD forum, too:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Read the thread and you'll see that it doesn't mean you were rejected. A couple of people invited to Scholar's Day (myself included) couldn't log on.</p>

<p>Relax! (: Hacking the system only means anxiety.</p>

<p>theantithesisof, are you a transfer?</p>