Next round of decisions?

<p>Anyone have any idea when the next batch of decisions will be sent out? And how do they notify? Via email, updated status, snail mail?</p>

<p>Guessing the week before Christmas. Question: Many in the last round stated that your status will update from “Your application will be reviewed by one of our admission counselors …” to “Your application is being reviewed by one of our admission counselors …” before admission. Any truth to that? An admissions counselor said that’s incorrect. </p>

<p>It changes to that once your application is in the review process, a change from not being in the review process. My status is currently “[…]being reviewed[…]” and has been that for over two months. It does not necessarily mean you are being admitted. Although I wish that were the case!</p>

<p>My son’s application was complete on Sept. 5, but status has not yet gone to “is being reviewed”. OOS.</p>

<p>Everything was in their system around October 10th and I’m still “…will be reviewed…” I’m also OOS so maybe that’s why</p>

<p>From the previous trend of admission decisions in the last two months it seems that Madison sends out decisions every three weeks on a friday. Since the last decision wave was on 11/21 the 12th or 19th seem to be the best bets. I’m so unbelievably anxious!!! </p>

<p>You can see here that last year they released decisions on both Fridays- 12/13 and 12/20:
<a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>The previous year my D got her decision on Friday 12/14. There is a good chance of a round of decisions coming out next Friday at least, and possibly the Friday after that also.</p>

<p>D just heard she was accepted! OOS with 4.0 UW GPA, 34 ACT, excellent EC’s and leadership: Editor-in-chief of school newspaper, drama producer, student council, etc. Very good essays. Brother is current student at UW.</p>

<p>Got mine today!! Out of state :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Congrats you guys!!</p>

<p>just got in oos from ny 2020 sat and a 3.86 gpa </p>

<p>Got in!!</p>

<p>bndgrl, when did you apply? And are you OOS?</p>

<p>@Collegebndgrl534‌ did you find out today? what are your stats?</p>

<p>@PlayerZero‌ @acceeptmee23‌ pretty sure that is someone just harassing me for some unknown reason. Whoever they are commented obnoxious things on any thread I’ve created - disregard the comment.</p>

<p>@Collegebndgrl534‌ what state?</p>

<p>@geoff1236‌ Same status since 10/4. Implies no one has even opened it! hard to believe that’s the case though.</p>

<p>did anyone hear back yesterday?</p>