Next Wave of Decisions

<p>So I know that there was a huge wave of decision letters and emails sent out on Halloween, do you guys think that maybe if you applied the week before Halloween that we'll have the next wave near Thanksgiving? I know it says end of January but I have a feeling it's going to be way earlier.

<p>@acceeptmee23 are you in-state or out-of-state? </p>

<p>@Ruggy7‌ out of state, CA </p>

<p>@acceeptmee23‌ - You are correct… Thanksgiving Wave came out today!!! Got in</p>

<p>Me and many others at my school were accepted today, so another wave is happening now!</p>

<p>@youngster9‌ and @grovegirl‌ congrats!!! I still haven’t found out yet :frowning: possibly because i’m out of state?</p>

<p>@acceeptmee23 yes if you are out of state you will likely get it later. Im pretty sure that like 95% of the accepted people so far are instate, including a bunch of people from my own school just got in on Friday (instate).</p>

<p>@‌wisconsin13 good to know! thank you!!! I’m just so freaking anxious! </p>