NHRP National Hispanic Scholar Qualification?

<p>I've already completed and sent in my application, but I was just wondering if your HS counselor checks off that your GPA is at the scholar level and you meet all the other requirements, does that guarantee you Scholar status? Or are the scholars picked from those that meet the GPA requirement?</p>

<p>i just learned that I am a National Hispanic Recognition Program Scholar. Now I just have to figure out how that helps me pay for college. Any suggestions?</p>

<p>@RILEYFANNING‌ how did you find out? did you receive a letter in the mail? And as far as paying for college goes, I know there are a few threads on here that list schools that give scholarships to National Hispanic Scholars. You should check them out and see if any of the schools you are interested in have scholarships available!</p>

<p>Yes, the letter came in the mail today. Thanks.</p>