<p>Are the majority of the students at Berkeley friendly?
Are they kind, and caring?
Are they close-knit and supportive?</p>
<p>Overall, how are the people at Berkeley?</p>
<p>Are the majority of the students at Berkeley friendly?
Are they kind, and caring?
Are they close-knit and supportive?</p>
<p>Overall, how are the people at Berkeley?</p>
<p>Berkeley Peoples = Cool.</p>
<p>I have several friends who are currents and they’re hecka super cool.</p>
<p>Not at all in my opinion… ppl in CC is 100X nicer… ppl in Berkeley are cool.</p>
<p>im nice .</p>
<p>I don’t think you can make generalizations on thousands of people at a university (unless it’s Brigham Young or something). People at Berkeley are like people from anywhere else. You have unkind and wonderfully caring people.</p>
<p>It’s pretty hard to find a time I’m a mean person…=]</p>
<p>You’ll find nice people, don’t worry!</p>
<p>Blackroses, your posts are really entertaining I gotta say – I can’t believe you’re a junior in high school and are already thinking this much about school. OK fine, I’ve been thinking about grad school since last year, but I wasn’t like you in high school.</p>
No one is nice at this campus. It’s all cut throat. Ever watch House? I recommend you watch last season, particularly the character CTB (Amber).
Now after you watch a few episodes with CTB, imagine her times 1000s walking around at Berkeley.
That’s how the people are.
Inside their hearts at least.
(Haha. But seriously, I’m pretty sure there are some mean people here.)</p>
<p>nice House reference, but I don’t think it entirely accurate</p>
<p>From my experience so far, computer science majors are some of the most friendly people you’ll ever meet.</p>
<p>haha I love house… :]</p>
<p><offtopic> House > Grey’s Anatomy </offtopic></p>
<p>most Cal students (taking exception to my ■■■■ roommate from summer) range from neutral to very nice</p>
<p>Since I’ve seen you curse your roommate throughout this board, I’m curious. What was wrong with your roommate?</p>
<p>Stop cursing, plz.</p>
<p>Seriously, though, the reservedness on this forum creeps me out. I mean, it’s the innernet.</p>
<p>Don’t cross me or I will cut you with my protractor!!! lol jk a lot of the people here are cool and nice…sure there is the meanie, but aren’t there always?</p>
<p>EKT: As educated, reasonable members of society, why should we curse. It is often a sign of a lack of an education, so if we can use a euphemism, why shouldn’t we?</p>
<p>This is not the internnet! It is the internets, a series of tubes!!!</p>
<li>The mean people of Berkeley have spoken.</li>
<p>Well, since you want to do engineering, I’ll tell you about your fellow engineers then. I feel that engineers are a very strong knit supportive group. In my BioE 10 class (it’s an engineering class), when we had our first almost impossible homework assignment, 30 of us (out of a class of 100) got together to do it together. Throughout the rest of the year, we all kept working in groups though never quite that big (the foothill people got tired of going to the units so they made their own study group). I know I’ve only been here for a semester, but I’ve yet to a meet a cut throat person who didn’t help me when I asked yet. I have been told by some MCB majors that if I had been a fellow MCB they would have been more reluctant to help me, but engineers typically like to help each other out (plus I imagine you’d have problems holding a job in the future as an engineer if you aren’t a team player).</p>
<p>So that’s the good side of engineering people, but there’s also a bad side. There are days where I have to constantly remind myself that my fellow freshman engineers are good people deep down despite how annoyingly arrogant or aggressive or uncivil they may appear. The thing is a lot of people turned down very prestigious schools to be at Berkeley engineering. I know a girl who turned down Caltech for Berkeley, another person turned down Johns Hopkins’ nationwide bioE program, someone turned down UPenn, and so on and so forth. Not all of your yearmates are arrogant, but a large portion can be (when they first come to Berkeley at least…hopefully some get better with time); some even think they know more than the GSI’s do. I was in office hours of said BioE 10 class one time where this guy interrupted my question, ridiculed me for asking it, and then went on to argue with the GSI over the answer for another homework question while the GSI tried to subtly tell him his answer was wrong. That was probably the greatest waste of an hour of my time last semester.</p>
<p>However, the most important people, the ones who teach you stuff, are wonderful. Professors and GSIs are typically all great people who are really enthusiastic about their subjects. There are probably less nice professors and GSIs, but you can avoid them. You’d be surprised that even in a class of 500 you can get to know your professor very well. The other day I was on the same bus as my math professor from last semester and he recognized me (though I doubt he knew my name) and we had a nice, friendly conversation. </p>
<p>I think how you feel about people around you is really about your attitude though (cliche I know). If you always try and think well of the people around you, you’ll find that most people are nice and friendly.</p>
<p>“some even think they know more than the GSI’s do.”</p>
<p>Yeesh! Wow. That’s filthy. Grad students I’ve met are really smart people…</p>
<p>People who’re arrogant about academics probably think they’ve succeeded at something tough, and don’t realize that the challenges are boundless out there. MAybe realize intellectually, but not in their hearts, so to speak.</p>