Nicest dorms at FSU

<p>in order....</p>

<p>in order is kinda difficult, but new hall-ragans is the best i've seen.</p>

<p>then its wildwood, followed by degraff, followed by both landis and gilchrist, then cawthon and reynolds.</p>

<p>I heard the new Wildwood bathrooms are not as large as those of the renovated Gilchrist and Reynolds bathrooms.</p>

<p>my understanding of Ragans Hall is that it is for returning students, not freshman.</p>

<p>I am sure there are exceptions but basically Ragans and McCollum are for upper classmen. Rogers and Alumni Village are for older undergraduates and graduate students.</p>

<p>When you apply for the CARE program as a freshman, which dorms do they assign you? How many beds/baths, roomies. ect. Anyone know this kind of info?</p>

<p>care program gets to use landis during the summer..but after that idont know how it works.</p>

<p>Seminole Grand allows you to move in during the summer for free after the dorms let out.</p>

<p>what is the CARE program?</p>

<p>To be honest, I don’t think it’s a good idea to rate the dorms in the “nicest” order. </p>

<p>It really depends on what you want out of your college experience. For instance, my friend (EXTREMELY social, makes friends with anyone) lives in Smith, and although that’s not the newest dorm on campus, he wouldn’t trade it for the world. In fact, he’s living there next year as a sophomore, because he likes it so much. West-side dorms are really good for meeting people, social events (Smith hall had a winter formal), and are usually pretty noisy and exciting. </p>

<p>East-side dorms (landis, gilchrist, reynolds, etc) are usually more quiet, since they’re suite-style (you don’t have to leave the room to go to the bathroom). You can still make friends, plus Landis green is very close by, but they’re overall more toned-down, chill dorms. </p>

<p>The only two dorms that I would say are super old (and happen to be on the east-side) are Dorman and Deviney. But I have a friend in Deviney, and even though her room is teeeeeny-tiny (because she’s on the end of a hall), the whole building has character and a certain charm.</p>

<p>I know this isn’t what you wanted, but I hope it helps.</p>

<p>I’m a “returning”* freshmen and got into Ragans hall</p>

<p>*first year spring student.</p>

<p>to accepted90 and LaVieEnChocolat. The CARE program is for first generation college students and/or those who are economically or culturally disadvantaged. They have to attend a seven week summer session where they room at landis. after that their housing is the same as everyone else. I am not one hundred percent sure but im pretty sure that most of the rooms in landis are doubles.</p>

<p>Everything is relative. My old high school opens up a half hour early in the morning now so homeless students that are living in cars and friends’ garages can wash up before other students arrive at the high school. When you complete the FAFSA form, you’ll notice the question asking if you are homeless or not–some students are. The worst dorms at FSU would look like palaces to some students.</p>