NMF scholarship

@StudentofLife7 - great analysis, I always assumed it was room and board which is in the neighborhood of $13,000, but I think you are right and it is just the room.

A few other positives is that UA is very generous with APs so it may be possible to graduate early. Or the 5th year of tuition could be valuable in securing an inexpensive Masters.

Thank you everyone!! So helpful

One more question—OU did a phenomenal honors/NM tour for my daughter, even paid for our hotel. Does Bama do something similar? We are super late to the game with them, these sent a letter last week with what they were offering so she applied and we just found out she was accepted. I’m a bit worried that my daughter won’t feel as good about Bama if it’s not as personal of an experience. Again, I so appreciate all of you and your quick responses :))

Yes, some may be taxable but if you feel $12k will be taxed, that would be covered by the standard deduction. If the student earns money from a job, make sure he has the correct withholding taken. It should be a problem. He may need the $3500 for food.

Transportation shouldn’t cost $3000. Just don’t go home as much.

I guess I do my math differently - we only look at direct costs and books. The official COA includes transportation (all of S19’s schools are far away) and personal expenses. Alabama leaves a shortfall of a couple of thousand (before including taxes at S19’s rate.)

Yes, the Florida Benacquisto is more generous but can’t be used towards graduate studies easily (was we admissions at both schools we toured.) Although S19 visited and was admitted to UF and UCF, neither gave him the same feel as Alabama did.

Since we had saved and planned on a COA around $120,000 for 4 years (based on 4 years in state) we feel the amount out of pocket at Alabama is a drop in the bucket.

But each family needs to choose what works
best for their student and their finances.

@CContemplative1 One (W) withdrawal policy for scholarships renewal seems especially harsh to me. I know students who have had to drop a class after add/drop due to health reasons (mono) – they were still going full-time, just fewer credits. I wonder if the school would make an exception for health reasons? It is worth checking out the renewal requirements for every school from which you are considering offers.

Some thoughts based on experience. YMMV.

That $3500 stipend essentially covered most of the freshman meal plan for us this year. Really, the only thing not covered was course or college fees.

Not counting travel, our OOP was almost 0… but everyone should do as detailed an analysis as possible for themselves. And yes, traveling nearly 2000 miles, like us, is a big deal.

I am not a paid accountant, and the new tax laws are not beneficial to recipients of large scholarships, but anecdotally I think the concerns are very over stated when all is said and done in this area.

Since it was mentioned upthread, last year when we did the OU vs UA comparison, it was not even close. Almost a 15K per year difference in real dollars if I recall correctly.

Since this is an NMF specific thread, and many NMFs will have significant AP type credits, also evaluate the cost savings (if any) that they might provide. UA is generous with AP credits.

Last year UA held a similar tour for us to what we experienced at OU with one exception: no golf cart ride … They did not pay for anything, but meeting staff and the RRS program team was invaluable.

Did they reach out to you to coordinate? She just got accepted Friday…

@AmyDiShi - my S19 had a visit set up through the honors college. He sent an email and then set up a full day for him. I think it was his regional recruiter that set everything up. It was quite thorough and geared towards my son’s interests.

the $7,902 in you calculation includes:

  1. $1,200 for books
  2. $2,940 for transportation including on campus parking permit (highest $660 per year)
  3. $2,390 for miscellaneous

The spending on 2. and 3. really depends on students and should be comparable with similar setting public colleges. With the $3,500 Merit scholarship stipend and $500 for books. NMF scholarship is equivalent to free tuition, free room and boarding ($500 shy).

I just hope my son make UA his first choice after our campus tour later this month.

When adding together the NMF scholarship offer per year amounts:
$29,230 (covers full tuition)
$8,900 (covers full room cost @ regular room rate)
$500 (books scholarship partially covers the estimated $1,200 book cost)
$3,500 Merit Scholarship Stipend
Total = $42,130
$50,032 - $42,130 = $7,902 potential out of pocket

Yes, the Honors College set it up.

@TomTom2007 … for your sake …

Roll Tide!

We got a golf cart. They took great care of us. Physics Chair, Honors Dean (also RRS) & NMF money moved UA to top of list. Today’s RRSP acceptance is the icing on the cake.

@Bigbro19 … Roll Tide! Welcome!

2018 tax return provides up to $12,000 standard deduction for the dependent student, before trust rates are applied to taxable scholarship income.

Does Alabama stack outside scholarships?

Yes, it stacks outside scholarships, @tpike12.

This is an old thread that explains how things work in general:

The only change I’m aware of since then is that the Engineering Leadership Scholarship will not be awarded to NMFs: https://eng.ua.edu/admissions/scholarships/

Thanks @LucieTheLakie , exactly what I was looking for.