No AP offered. :( :(

<p>I look at everyone and I sink my head low whenever I see the word "AP" on the screen. Living in Canada, my city does not offer AP.</p>

<p>I have no clue how I will study for the SAT IIs.</p>


<p>you might wanna check out the local colleges for advanced in my town...people often go to the local community college over summer between junior and senior year and take classes there...</p>

<p>and don't worry about not being able to take AP...colleges judge based on the course selection of your if your school has no AP's then you took the hardest course possible...and if you go the extra step of going to your community college for advanced credit itll show the adcoms you are an advanced + motivated student...</p>

<p>I don't think AP's are necessary to do well on the SAT II's?</p>

<p>good advices, but</p>

<p>the question now is that i won't be able to do well on the SAT IIs, in my opinion. Would studying Kaplan or PR be enough?</p>

<p>You realize most people take their SAT II's junior year or beginning of senior year, before they have taken or completed any AP courses right?</p>