<p>Hello :D I'm taking AP Human Geo my freshman year, but there's a high chance I won't be able to take any my sophomore year. Sophomores can also take AP Art History, but it's only offered every other year. It mostly likely won't be offered my sophomore year. I will most likely have completed the prerequisites for AP Stats, but my counselor still won't let me since it's only for juniors and up. Will colleges look down on me for less rigor my sophomore year? :/</p>
<p>As long as you are taking the most rigorous courses allowable/possible at your school for your sophomore year, its fine.</p>
<p>Don’t worry. I didn’t take any AP classes til junior year and I know seniors from the class of 2014 at my competetive public school who had the same situation. And they got into Ivies and similar top schools even though many of their classmates took APs soph year. As long as you still have challenging courses, you should be fine. </p>
<p>@Yakisoba AP Art History will be offered my freshman year, but not my sophomore year. It will then be offered my junior year.</p>
<p>Well, are there any other good, easy AP class options? (take some easy ones to get yourself into the AP environment) ; I took AP US Gov my sophomore year, not too difficult a class/exam (got a 4, A’s both terms, and a great teacher who made puns all day ); you could take AP Psych or AP EnviSci if you have the prerequisites. Don’t take balls hard AP classes as a fresh/sophomore, I think you’ll be fine with AP Human Geography. </p>
<p>P.S.- I see you enjoy pokemon (Sorry, I chose Tepig gen 5). Message me if you have a 3DS friend code (I have XY) :D</p>
<p>@AtharvaLarva The only APs sophomores are allowed to take are AP Human Geo and AP Art History I will have completed the prerequisites for AP Stats, but my counselor still won’t let me take it.</p>
<p>No. Just make sure you’re still challenging yourself with other courses. </p>
<p>Hey, plead desperately with your counselor to let you take AP Stat. A sophomore like yourself will probably be able to do better than half of the juniors in that class.</p>
<p>AP Human GEO is the easiest A you will ever achieve. I took it last year the first year it was offered and after the MC part of the AP Exam we walked out our testings rooms like what did we just take. His tests were all 30 MC match the definition and then some would be give a definition and basically 20 free response definitions. The AP Exam is nothing like that. </p>
<p>AP Art History hasn’t been offered at Munster since my sophomore year when my whole class basically discouraged anyone else from taking the class, it was brutal. It may be offered your sophomore year but the last two years they haven’t had enough people sign up to make a full course. </p>
<p>And sophomore year you can also take AP Physics </p>
<p>If you don’t go to munster like I assumed then this is awkward…</p>
<p>I agree with Magicial. Beg and cry and kick and scream, do whatever it takes to get into just one AP at least in sophomore year. Yes, the guidance counselors are probably right that AP is challenging for sophomores, but it’s good for you to learn time management and higher level thinking for junior year when you really need it.</p>
<p>^aren’t you a rising sophomore? @Yakisoba </p>
<p>@College123college yeah, but I’m not denying that APs I’ll be taking won’t be difficult for me, especially since I’m a big procrastinator</p>
<p>@Yakisoba the school Losing Crayons goes to offers APs classes for sophomores there is AP Physics, AP Human, and AP Art History. He/She can beg or scream but they will not be getting into any other AP classes their sophomore year that is just how it is. And for the Junior and Senior year AP classes there are certain prerequisites that you wouldn’t have achieved until the end of your sophomore year. </p>
<p>@LosingCrayon Munster’s course selection guide (2014-2015) says for AP Statistics: “B- in both semesters of Algebra II, or C- in both semesters of Honors Algerbra II.”
So you could take that class as a sophomore as long as you achieve a B- in Sokol’s class. </p>
<p>PS Sokol’s class is not a walk in the park. You rarely turn in homework (10%) to him and most of your grade is based on tests (90%). When I was a sophomore there was a freshman in my class who doubled up (Honors Geometry & Honor Algebra II) and got either a C or D in Sokol’s class second semester and ended up switching to regular Algebra II. </p>
<p>@tola2015 if LosingCrayons is allowed to take HUG & Physics, then what’s the problem here? </p>
<p>I think it’s pretty unreasonable for this school to deny participation in a class. My county’s policy is that a student should be able to take the classes he/she wants. This obviously doesn’t mean anyone can take 5 APs as a freshman, but if a sophomore wants to challenge (him/herself? Sorry not sure about gender) in a subject he/she enjoys, then why should there be a problem?</p>
<p>@Yakisoba It’s just how it is rarely anyone really complains about the rules. I’m going to be a senior and the only AP/Honor rule that most of us junior and seniors complain about is that you are only allowed to take 6 AP/Honor courses per semester and if you want to take a 7th one you have to waiver in but they rarely ever let anyone take 7. I think the purpose is so that freshman and sophomore years you can just enjoy your highschool experience while you can because when you start raking on 6 AP/Honor classes junior year it gets to be tedious and brutal. Most of us actually missed freshman and sophomore year last year because we barely got any sleep some days. </p>
<p>@Yakisoba @tola2015 Thanks so much guys! Yeah I do go to Munster I’m gonna be a freshman this year, but I’m doing summer school. I heard from a senior in summer school that they stopped offering AP Physics B
It wasn’t in the course selection guide newspaper thing for 2014-2015, either. But College Board is replacing AP Physics B with AP Physics 1 and 2 anyway starting this year. Would I be able to take AP Physics C my junior year, even though it’s a senior class?</p>
<p>I know I might have the requirements done for AP Stats, but I asked Mr. Snyder (sorry if I spelled it wrong) and he said probably not, since it’s still for juniors and seniors.</p>
<p>Is Honors Algebra 2 really that hard? I heard it was insane from a ton of people, and I’m starting to regret taking it next year. I passed the appeals test so I could get in, but I’m going to be taking Honors Geometry at the same time. I heard you’re not allowed to use calculators… I hope I don’t fail, the only reason why I did well in Algebra 1 was because the teacher didn’t know you could use scientific calculators to do all the work for you.</p>
<p>Oh, and Yakisoba, our school makes classes as hard as possible to get into. Like to get into honors, you need to be in the 95th percentile for a standardized test you took in 8th grade. It’s still a great school, but they pretty much never let you bend the rules. I am extremely lucky they’re letting me take Honors Algebra 2.</p>
<p>AP Physics C isn’t a senior level class (even though I’m taking it this year. I don’t know the new prerequisites for AP Physics C because I took Honors Physics which they changed to AP Physics B last year but if you take Physics or AP Physics whatever your sophomore year you will be able to take AP Physics C I would have taken it last year but I took AP Chem instead. </p>
<p>The problem with Sokol is his idea of calculators that we can use on the test are his 4 Function Calculators (I hated them with a passion) so most of your work you have to write down since you cannot store answers in those calculators. Every blue moon he let us use one of his scientific calculators. I got an A- in Sokols class but the problem with his class and Mrs. Premetz (Honors Pre-Calc) is that they assign homework but you really don’t have to do it but you should because you’ll go over it the next day in Premetz class. In Sokol’s class he puts the answers in the back of the room so you never really go over it unless someone needs the answer explained more deep in detail. The moral of the story is if you want to do well in either of these classes ALWAYS DO THE HOMEWORK because they randomly collect it sometimes and in Premetz’s class it was always the day I didn’t do it because we had a track meet. </p>
<p>You can do well in Sokol’s class but if you don’t understand a concept make sure to go in during contact time or do more practice problems. </p>
<p>I did so bad on TerraNova’s eighth grade (it was my first year at Munster so I didn’t really know that the test were that important and basically determined everything) so I basically had to appeal to get into everything but advanced math </p>
<p>I saw that you posted earlier there was no Honors Bio for this school year why is that?</p>