<p>Only do orchestra. Sophomore. Is this bad?</p>
<p>Just pick up something junior year and you’ll live.</p>
<p>Well, most people would say it’s bad for the more competitive colleges.</p>
<p>But it’s only sophomore year and you have a little more time left to pursue something that interests you. Does anything come to mind?</p>
<p>What about something like Cal? I live right next to UC Berkeley (I go to the berk high school, so that should help). I don’t really like sports or anything like that. I just like to play WoW and do things at home.</p>
<p>Got any ideas?</p>
<p>Get off WoW.</p>
<p>Depends on your scores</p>
<p>I would get out more. You can’t (and aren’t) doing anything at home.</p>
<p>Don’t play WoW. Rip yourself off it and find something else to do.</p>
<p>do something that YOU like to do. Colleges don’t want to see apps tailored for them, they want to see applicants that pursued what they loved, and know that the adcoms will accept them.</p>
<p>I’m not hooked on WoW. I just don’t go partying on Saturday nights, I do that instead. Does self-studying APs count as an EC? Sort of?</p>
<p>No. Not at all. </p>
<p>I would really get out more and find out what you’re interested in, so you can start pursuing it.</p>
<p>Join a club for something you’re interested in. Get a job. Try a sport. See what you like, and stick with it. </p>
<p>In the end, I think it’s a lot better to have 1 extracurricular that you’re extremely passionate about rather than a kazillion extracurriculars that are there just to fill up applications.</p>
<p>^ that example better be USAMO versus joining a bunch of clubs, 'cause that’s not how an adcom would see it (which is his concern)</p>
<p>I think it’s pretty cool to have hardly any EC’s.</p>
<p>Gah why do you have to passionate about stupid things? Maybe I’ll go join the larpers…
what do you CCers do?</p>
<p>Well the point is to be passionate about something to the point where it doesn’t seem stupid to you anymore. To put it simply.</p>
<p>Don’t copy what typical CCers do. That stuff is so boring.</p>
<p>Seriously. What do you like doing? Maybe you have a favorite subject or something.</p>
<p>I like astronomy and chemistry. But I can’t do the Olympiads because it’s too competitive.</p>
<p>Actually, Oxford and Cambridge don’t care about EC’s at all.</p>
<p>So that’s another option.</p>
<p>^^Join astronomy or chemistry clubs if they have them at school. Or start one? Or you can tutor in chemistry, or other subjects. I’m sure your school has lots of clubs, or you can join one if you want.</p>
<p>Also, I would go for just trying something <em>different</em> in your community. You may be surprised at how much you like. And if you try once and hate it, just stop. See what some of your friends are doing, if maybe that would make it more fun.</p>
<p>Also, guys s/he can still play WoW, just not too much. :)</p>
<p>Just don’t do anything forced. But still be willing to try things.</p>
<p>I almost forgot—what about a sport? </p>
<p>Cross country and track teams are typically no-cut and it doesn’t matter if you suck, like I do.</p>
<p>What about making up
your own EC?</p>
<p>One of my friends, who was really good at programming, made and sold small computer games for about $3 - $7 each.</p>
<p>Another friend made his own website (it was more of a Facebook type deal, but aimed towards gamers)</p>
<p>Both listed these as one of their ECs when applying.</p>