<p>Why does cornell's future plans page have no option to check for financial aid? :S</p>
<p>It probably has something to do with their need-blind policy... They wouldn't exactly be blind to it if you marked it on your application. Someone correct me on this if I'm wrong.</p>
<p>My application thing was like that so I emailed them and I got this:</p>
<p>Even though you mailed them, and they show received on October 27th, we have not started processing any early decision application materials. We do show that your application materials were received, and once we process that, we will update your FA list online.</p>
<p>So I'm guessing it should be up soon.</p>
<p>I think it depends on school. Some schools choose to show it and some schools don't. If they don't, I wouldn't worry about it.</p>
<p>This worried me a bit as well, but I figured if it didn't show up, they must not want it to. :</p>
<p>I’m currently working on this and had the exact same question. In the print preview, the financial aid question is left blank, so based on the responses, I’m guessing I should just leave it? Well, I hope so. Thanks.</p>
<p>me too! 10 char</p>
<p>Yes, it is meant to be blank. The financial aid info is handled entirely by the FinAid office so that they are truly need blind. While I noticed some need blind schools (emory) did have it on the commonapp, it really can’t be entirely need blind if the adcoms reading your app see you applied for financial aid, especially with schools hurting for money. Don’t worry about it, I was accepted for spring transfer without saying anything about FinAid on the app, and my FinAid stuff is currently being processed (well won’t be completed until they get back in the office).</p>
<p>Cornell is also need blind towards internationals, however aid is merit-based.</p>
<p>Cornell is not need-blind toward internationals with the exception of Canadians and Mexicans.</p>
<p>Yeah, I freaked out at first. Then I realized they probably didn’t want it on there anyway.</p>
<p>@Shifu Yoda: Cornell is need-blind to internationals. I talked to Wendy herself. Go look up the definition of need-blind. Cornell does not reject applicants just because they cannot pay. I think you have the term mixed up with full-need.</p>
<p>Quoting wiki
“Need-blind admission does not necessarily mean a “full-need” financial aid policy–where the school agrees to fund the meet the full demonstrated financial need of all its admitted students. Indeed, the two policies can be in tension because need-blind admissions and full-need financial aid together commit the school to spend an undetermined amount of money regardless of other budgetary constraints. Thus, some need-blind schools will admit students who will nonetheless not be able to attend because of deficient financial aid awards.”</p>
<p>That’s why they don’t have a checkbox for financial aid, because they don’t care.</p>