<p>I want to double major in public relations/biology and continue on to medical school in the late future.
I have pretty good grades, mostly A's and I have a 3.8 GPA as of right now.
I've done community service at theaters and animal shelters.
At school, I have participated in chorus, newspaper, and I started my own Animal organization (to help fund abused/distressed animals).
I took the SATS and I got a low score, a 1450. I am taking them again this October after I attend an SAT prep class.
I really love city life, but I also would like it be calm too. I have been to Los angeles and I loved the area. I have no idea where else to look elsewhere.
BTW, I am from Pennsylvania and I'm willing to go out of state, as you can probably assume.
One school I loved in California when I visited was Pepperdine University and USC. I'm not quite sure if I stand a chance at those places though.
Do you guys have any recommendations as to where to look for college? Names, locations, advice on the two schools I did mention?
Thank you advance!</p>
<p>Course rigor + senior classes please</p>
<p>1450 SAT is ouch. Try again, for your sake.
If you don’t get too much higher, look for colleges with low SAT standards.
[Low</a> SAT Scores? If You Have Low SAT Scores, These Schools Don’t Require the Scores](<a href=“http://collegeapps.about.com/od/standardizedtests/a/optionalscores.htm]Low”>Test-Optional Colleges that Don't Require SATs)</p>
<p>Sorry, new here!
All my high school year so far (9, 10 and 11) I have taken all academic classes except one AP class which was AP psychology and I took this in 11th. I got straight a’s in it.
For senior year this is what I am taking:
AP government & economics
honors human anatomy
English 12
skep and logic
Microsoft user
honors german 4</p>
<p>niklas- I know. I was dissapointed at the score. I have signed myself up for a 5 week SAT prep course, hopefully it will help me get a higher score. I’m aiming to get a 1600-1700</p>
<p>What can your family afford? I would look at SAT optional schools. [SAT/ACT</a> Optional 4-Year Universities | FairTest](<a href=“http://fairtest.org/university/optional]SAT/ACT”>ACT/SAT Optional List - Fairtest)</p>
<p>any other help anyone?</p>
<p>If you want to go to med school later, don’t pick a super expensive place to do undergrad. I’d suggest public schools.</p>
<p>^ Public schools OOS cost as much as privates.</p>
I would say re-take the SAT and set your bar to 1900 or higher. USC is tough school to get in with only 24% acceptance rate (as of 2011).
My S got in to USC this fall with more than 2200 in SATs and very high Subject SAT scores. Your high-school GPA looks good. So just work on your SATs and like i said - set the bar very high.
I would do lot more practice SATs may be min. 7-8 before you appear for the real SAT exam. SATs are all about mental and physical endurance - you need to get fully upto speed.</p>
<p>Good luck to you!</p>
<p>If you’re looking for suggestions I think what college you go to may be too personal for you to get good results. Maybe try some online college search sites that ask you questions and make suggestions based on what you like? You can then look at colleges individually to see if they’re appropriate for you. </p>
<p>Here’s a few if you want to play around:
College *******
College Search - BigFuture | College Board</p>
<p>There are dozens of these so I’m sure you could find more if you really needed. Hope this helps some?</p>