No is No??

<p>I admit, I'm a nice person who has difficulty saying no. Sure, I'm a bit aggressive normally, but when it comes down to questions, I'm too generous.</p>

<p>How do you politely shrug off someone who you're moderately interested in if they're suggesting something you dislike? I'm normally good with this sort of thing. But, I really can't get him to get the idea that I don't like that sort of music.</p>

<p>If that were the case, I'd rather the girl just flat out tell me.</p>

<p>I've tried. Trust me. Just because it's a date doesn't mean I don't have an opinion.</p>

<p>Oh, I know. You guys might just not be compatible. Just politely say you prefer ___ instead of ____ . What's the music in question?</p>

<p>Certain type of rock that I'm not into.</p>

<p>Well I guess I'm glad it's not hip hop for once haha. Is he like insanely passionate about this particular genre?</p>

<p>im guessing its hardcore or heavy metal.</p>

<p>Well in that case, I'd have to question her taste in men :P</p>

<p>Oh is it that screaming type? lol. I'm not into that either. I had some friends that were really into that and they would always insist that I come with them to the shows. I hate to say it, but I kinda liked some of them that weren't so hardcore. </p>

<p>One band really scared me. I seriously thought the guy was going to kill himself or something. lol. But anyways, I was at the front and next thing I knew there was a mosh pit like right there and my friend got sucked in. I hid behind some fat guy. Then that stopped and I was texting someone and then all of a sudden that screamer guy is in my face screaming. I almost peed myself. I don't know why I told you that.</p>

<p>Anyways, just tell him that you really aren't into hardcore screaming music. You might just give it a chance once because some of the bands aren't that bad (just listen to the guitars and drums, not the "singer"). If he's really into that music and you aren't too into him, I'd just blow him off, but that's just me. I never claimed to be good with guys.....</p>

<p>youd just blow him off? okgirl is not a prude. bravo</p>

<p>Nah, I got this under control. Don't underestimate a girl. Compromise is key. Namely, what I like...and what he can stand. =]</p>

<p>youd just blow him off? okgirl is not a prude. bravo
Is that sarcastic? I mean, it really is a good thing to do, isn't it?</p>

<p>Here is the deal, if he doesn't get that it is something you dislike, and still pushes, he is not the guy for you. </p>

<p>However, if he still wants to go, tell him have a great time, and you both can do something else soon. </p>

<p>Some tastes are just that, tastes, and some are "lifestyles"</p>

<p>My H likes punk music, but the classic punk as it were. Me, I just, eh, couldn't be bothered. He has offered to buy me a ticket, but I just say no thanks. </p>

<p>If he was a real punk rocker, we wouldn't have ever been a couple, but as its just something he liked, it wasn't that important.</p>

<p>So, you need to determine if its his interest in this music is something he lives (which would mkae you nuts) or something he just likes (which you can avoid if you want). You could not pay me to sit through a boxing match, yuck, but it wouldn't be a deal breaker if my H likes watching them, just don't insist I do, and understand that I actually find them disgusting, and ask me what I would like to do instead, like a play or a museum.</p>

<p>But I might walk around some stupid golf tournament, because, while it is not my favorite thing in the world, it doesn't offend me or bother me, like boxing would.</p>

<p>However, if this guy is just clueless or wants to date girls who are into screaming rock or whatever, or if he is pushing you go somewhere or see something that you really don't like, that is a red flag. But, if he says, well, what would you like to do, that is great. If he says, well, I am going to the concert and will jsut take a guy friend, maybe we can do a different concert next week, that is just dandy.</p>

<p>I am not trying to be too serious here, but as a mom, I have seen it all. And you have to gauge is attitude and whether he doesn't understand you, doesn't care, or just needs to be enlightened, that you would like to go out with him, just not to that particular concert.</p>

<p>I think she was commenting on the sexual innuendo surrounding your comment ;)</p>

<p>Ohhh.....opps......kinda like the other day when I asked my brother to get something out of my car....I was trying to weave it into his comment so I wouldn't interrupt and he was talking about someone pulling out in front of him....I said "Speaking of pulling out [pause for 5 seconds], will you unload that fridge from my car so it will stop moving when I drive". Gosh, I got some shocked looking faces. I'm really bad about doing that. Kinda like how I told this guy that his thing makes me thirsty (I was talking about his shirt for Sonic, but I forgot to mention his shirt).</p>

<p>haha don't feel bad--i didn't get what lethargy said, either..</p>

<p>Lol okgirl that was hilarious</p>

<p>this actually brings up a good question:</p>

<p>is "that's what she said" still funny if you say it after a girl says something worthy of a "that's what she said"?</p>

<p>"that's what she said" is always acceptable and funny</p>

<p>dmjt now always. only if it works. and tuowls, im a guy.</p>