<p>Here is the deal, if he doesn't get that it is something you dislike, and still pushes, he is not the guy for you. </p>
<p>However, if he still wants to go, tell him have a great time, and you both can do something else soon. </p>
<p>Some tastes are just that, tastes, and some are "lifestyles"</p>
<p>My H likes punk music, but the classic punk as it were. Me, I just, eh, couldn't be bothered. He has offered to buy me a ticket, but I just say no thanks. </p>
<p>If he was a real punk rocker, we wouldn't have ever been a couple, but as its just something he liked, it wasn't that important.</p>
<p>So, you need to determine if its his interest in this music is something he lives (which would mkae you nuts) or something he just likes (which you can avoid if you want). You could not pay me to sit through a boxing match, yuck, but it wouldn't be a deal breaker if my H likes watching them, just don't insist I do, and understand that I actually find them disgusting, and ask me what I would like to do instead, like a play or a museum.</p>
<p>But I might walk around some stupid golf tournament, because, while it is not my favorite thing in the world, it doesn't offend me or bother me, like boxing would.</p>
<p>However, if this guy is just clueless or wants to date girls who are into screaming rock or whatever, or if he is pushing you go somewhere or see something that you really don't like, that is a red flag. But, if he says, well, what would you like to do, that is great. If he says, well, I am going to the concert and will jsut take a guy friend, maybe we can do a different concert next week, that is just dandy.</p>
<p>I am not trying to be too serious here, but as a mom, I have seen it all. And you have to gauge is attitude and whether he doesn't understand you, doesn't care, or just needs to be enlightened, that you would like to go out with him, just not to that particular concert.</p>