No lettermen

<p>So, like a lot of people on CC, I don't do sports. I have no talent for them whatsoever. But it kind of seems like a part of the high school experience is being on the field and getting that lettermen. It's the performing and the uniform that gives a sense of pride. Maybe my school just values sports too much. It just seems like most adults I meet say oh yeah "I was on the track team" instead of the yearbook committee.</p>

<p>Am I missing out on an experience? Is this just a phase or should I change this?</p>

<p>I was kind of thinking about trying out for the cheerleading squad. For spirit, they just judge you on dance technique and spirit. They don't evaluate your gymnastics ability. They teach you that later supposedly, but many of these girls can do a back handspring (so there is an inadequate and embarrassment factor). So even though I haven't cheered before maybe I could make it.</p>

<p>If I did join the cheer squad my senior year I don't want it to look like I am just "joining for college" to an adcom? Should this be a worry?</p>

<p>Also, I am worried about the fact that I don't fit in with many girls on the team (even though there are a few that are friendly and we click). But I sort of want to try. Then again, if I make it people will talk. If I don't make it people will talk.</p>

<p>Varsity is a approximately a 16 girl squad comprised of Juniors and Seniors. About 20-25 girls probably compete for the spot. Is it a waste of time?</p>

<p>If you don't think it is. Could you give me some tips on how to make the squad or what to expect?</p>

<p>I say you just go for it and try out.</p>

<p>I do cross country and soccer not just so i can put it on my college app, but cause it keeps me in shape so i dont become fat like the rest of my school.</p>

<p>Try out. If you have no previous, dance, cheer, or gymnastics experience, you might not make it, but you might make it. Before tryouts, you might want to enroll in a dance, gymnastics, or tumbling class. Also, it’d be in your best interest to learn the basics of cheerleading- motions (high V, low V, touchdown, T, etc) and jumps (toe touch, herkie, front hurdler, side hurdler), and at least be familiar with names of different stunts. Even if you can’t take a tumbling class, you should at least know for example the difference between a back handspring and a back tuck (DO NOT try to teach yourself how to tumble). Ask some cheerleaders on the squad (or the coach) what the requirements for tryouts are. Definitely go out for cheerleading! </p>

<p>I don’t think it’ll be counted against you in the college admissions process that you joined as a senior. You want to do something new. Cheerleading might not be your thing, but you might love it.</p>

<p>go for it! unlike a lot of other things, you probably will never again have the chance to try cheerleading. you should maybe also ask some of the people who are currently on the team about whats required and maybe ask if they can help you. good luck!</p>

<p>Do you mean 20-25 girls try out for a TOTAL of 16 spots, or do 20-25 girls try out for each of the 16 spots? I assume you meant the former, but then again cheerleading might be your school’s thing. If 20-25 try out for a total of 16 spots and you want to cheerlead, do it. Your chances at making the varisty are pretty good (assuming you’re a decent dancer/athlete), and even if you don’t make it, at least you gave it a shot.</p>

<p>Sports have been one of the most enjoyable experiences for me in high school. Hanging out and playing tennis with the other kids on the varsity tennis team has been one of the most personally enriching experiences in my life and probably my fondest memory of high school. I love playing all net games competitively, especially ping-pong. I also play recreational basketball and have been on varsity track and cross country teams. I found that I didn’t like track and cross country because although I was decent at it, running just is not fun in my opinion.</p>

<p>All in all, when I look back on high school later, the sports I had so much fun playing are what I’ll remember best.</p>

<p>But like someone else said, I play net games like tennis, pickle-ball, and ping-pong competitively because I wholly enjoy them. If you don’t really enjoy cheerleading, you may not like it. But I say go for it and try something new. You never know, it may end up being one of the best times in high-school for you.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone for the advice and motivation.</p>

<p>jamesford, it is a total of 16 spots.</p>

<p>Any more advice?
What is the quickest way to get your splits? I used to be able to do one the right leg… about a year ago, but I can’t anymore.

<p>Most of all, arm motions? What are common mistakes?</p>

<p>I know CC isn’t the best place to ask this.</p>

<p>i had gotten a letter for academics and got a jacket for that…</p>

<p>marie03- Try this link to help you with your splits: [</a> - Splits Training (1616831) - Read article: Ballet, Jazz, Modern, Hip Hop, Tap, Irish, Disco, Twirling, Cheer: Photos, Chat, Games, Jobs, Events!](<a href=“]”></p>

<p>Other than that, just make sure to stretch every day. When are try outs? You might not get your splits completely flat if try outs are soon, but if you stretch every day, you’ll definitely improve.</p>

<p>Try this website for some tips for jumps and arm motions: [Cheerleading</a> Cheers, Chants, Jumps, Stunts for Cheerleading and Cheerleaders](<a href=“”></p>

<p>A lot of people make the mistake in arm motions of not being sharp enough. Your arms shouldn’t be loose, they should be tight.</p>

<p>Okay, let me just go out on a limb here and say, if you want to do it, go for it. If you don’t want to, don’t do it just because everyone else is doing it. Because with that mentality, you might as well start smoking pot, drinking alcohol on a daily basis, and go to the local community college. They’re all inter-related!</p>

<p>Join a cheer forum. I know there’s a pretty active one for track and field, so I’m assuming there’s one for cheerleading too.</p>

<p>no sportss… i’m doing soccer and we do so many drills, i can barely walk at the end of the day. WE’RE NOT FOOTBALL PLAYERS… then why do we do so many drills</p>

<p>I want to do cheer. I just don’t like many of the girls who do it. A lot of girls have quit because so many of them are just so fake and you can’t trust them.</p>