<p>Thanks for even opening one of about a million other chance posts, but here goes...</p>
<p>Ethnicity: Hispanic
Gender: Female
ACT: 28 (9 on writing)--retaking
GPA: 3.95 (unweighted); 4.14 (weighted)
Rank: 7/320
ECs: Key club, drama club, varsity tennis, German club, Class Gov., National Honor Society, and I have had a part-time job since September of 2007
(some minor awards, nothing state-level or international, etc.)</p>
<p>Our school only offers AP US History and AP Calculus, (I took APUSH last year, and I'll be in calc this coming year) but we offer duel credit with a community college in English, Sociology, Pyschology, APUSH, AP Calc, and Western Civilization... all of which I have or will be taking. Also, I've taken all science courses offered including Adv. Chemistry, that was only not considered an AP course (even though we used an AP book) because the teacher isn't certified to teach an AP class and this was the first year that the school offered it.</p>
<p>I've taken the hardest courseload possible and will conclude with:
4 Years of honors English (We consider the duel class "honors")
6 Years Science (Bio, Adv. Bio, Chem, Adv. Chem, Phys, Earth Sci)
4 Years Math (Geometry, Adv. Alg, Pre-Calc/Trig, AP Calc)
4 Years foreign lang. (German)
4 Years Social Science/History (world hist, APUSH, sociology, physcology, west. civ.)</p>
<p>The rest of my classes were devoted to graduation requirements (P.E., Dr. Ed, etc.)</p>
<p>Please chance me for:</p>
<p>Notre Dame
<p>...and other schools in the Midwest anyone would recommend would be great. Thinking about Pre-med or Psychology.</p>
<p>Thanksss :)</p>