No Science Class Senior Year

<p>I decided not to take a science class senior year because the 2 AP science classes offered requires us to ALSO be in their seminar the entire period. This will not be possible because the JROTC has complete control over for scholarships and etc. I already have 4 units of science (I did chemistry and physics my junior year)</p>

<p>I know colleges stress that we have 4 units of science. I have that, but I did not do just one a year. If I dont have a science unit for my senior year, will I be less competitive?</p>

<p>Probably not.</p>

<p>Depends on what other classes you're taking this year.</p>

<p>I'm most likely going to apply to an average college or perhaps a service academy, not some ivy league like half of you guys do so please no comments about my schedule being too weak or something</p>

<p>My classes are</p>

<p>AP Gov and politics
AP Literature
AP Art History
AP Calc
Discrete Math
Humanities (Fine Arts Graduation Requirement) </p>

<p>Would this look okay? I had AP bio... but I HAVE to take it off, so instead i'm going to take AP art History (Same teacher as AP Lit. I had her for apush last year and got a 5 on the exam) </p>

<p>Am I going to be okay??? I'm scared.</p>

<p>okay for what?</p>

<p>if you like ap art history and are planning to major in art, go for it.</p>

<p>I don't think I will be majoring in Art.</p>