No sport. Am I doomed?

Hey guys, I just started 9th grade as a freshman. I was kinda put down by one of my friends today who told me I had virtually no chance of getting into a good school because I didn’t do a sport. I’m a pretty STEM oriented person and I skipped a grade of math as well as a grade of science. I’m also in the symphonic orchestra at my school as a freshman which means I’ll be on varsity orchestra next year and the two years after that.

I had the choice to take tennis and be ranked 9 on our school’s JV lineup (I’m not that great but I’m not terrible either) or take other classes. I chose not to do tennis so I could pursue my musical interests and I’m so much better at orchestra than I am at tennis. Also at my school sports take up two block spaces which means less classes. After dropping tennis I chose to take orchestra and AP Comp Sci Principles. Not the hardest classes but looking at my course rigor this year I decided it would be best to take an easy class I’m interested in (I do code a lot so I figured it would be fun :slight_smile:)

Basically what my friend told me was that colleges these days love it when people play sports and people that don’t have it much harder on them. Stupid, I know. However, I can’t get it out of my mind and I’m starting to wonder if there is any truth to it. I love research and I’m planning on looking at some STEM internships this summer and maybe even doing some research of my own but if I really do have no chance then I need to know.

My classes are as follows (9th grade):

ADV Algebra 2
ADV Chemistry
Medical Terminology
AP Comp Sci Principles
Symphonic Orchestra
GT Humanities
Spanish 2
AP Human Geography

By the way, I’m Indian and I know that factors into decisions even with the new laws and stuff so just thought I’d mention it.

Thanks a lot guys and I’m sorry if I made you read a lot, it’s my first time on the forum. Have a good night.

You absolutely do not need to do a sport. Unless you are a recruited athlete (which few are) sports are not more (or less) valuable than any other ECs.

Do activities you enjoy, work to make meaningful contributions, and you will be fine.


Your friend is wrong. Find activities that are meaningful to YOU.


Thank you for this. It was really scary when he told me that because I’m not really talented at all so I just got a bit lost in thought. Have a good night!

Thank you! I will keep this in mind, have a good night!


I agree with the advice above, and I’ll add that you’re too early to be worrying about college. You just started high school!

Focus on the things you like and do the best you can. Enjoy your high school years and excel in every way you can, but don’t try to be something you’re not in the hope that some college AO will like you better.

And also: widen your definition of “good school”. There are plenty, so don’t get obsessed with one school (Princeton) when you’re years away from figuring out what you really want.


Thank you! This advice will really stick with me. In such a crazy time and with all the people around me talking about college it’s easy to get caught up but I’ll just stick down to earth for now and do my best. Have a good night!


Keep doing what interests you and you will be just fine! Don’t worry about college yet - do your best in school, take classes that interest and challenge you and work on being the best version of YOU.

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Thank you! Have a great night. All these kind words have definitely made my day.


Your “friends” have no clue. You do you. Do things for 2-4 years that you enjoy. Doing well in classes and learning and having fun right now should be your goal.


Thank you, this is like a breath of fresh air. I definitely want to succeed in my classes right now.

Your friends are wrong! Plenty have no sports and get into Top-10s. Mine got into multiple….no sport. Just focus on challenging yourself in classes and then try to find 2-3 meaningful ECs or a job. Be kind. Get to know your teachers. Help your fellow classmates.


Thank you so much for sharing the personal experience, I will keep your advice in mind!

Your friend is WRONG
Keep doing what you’re doing, you just started 9th grade
Don’t get hung up with Princeton or bust. So few kids make it to the IVY’s today not because they are not qualified its just a numbers game.
There are many good schools out there.

Find what interests you and tailor meaningful EC’s and volunteering that align with your interest.
You like coding is there a coding club at school? If not start one.
Tennis, does the city you live in have a tennis league for kids? Volunteer as an assistant coach.
You are advanced in math can you go back to the middle school and tutor?

Just some generic ideas on what you wrote to show how you can expand your likes to volunteering and EC’s.

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Right, thank you, I really appreciate the advice and I see what you mean with expanding my areas of interest.

I mean this in the nicest way…

You are JUST starting high school. Please do not go through all of high school being scared that you might not get into Princeton.

Here is my advice: Make a vow to not listen to any college advice from anyone under the age of 30. You are potentially setting yourself up to graduate from high school with grey hair. Don’t be that person, for your own sanity.

There are hundreds of great colleges that are “good schools.” Your goal is to enjoy your life. If stress helps you enjoy your life, that’s fine. Most people enjoy life more when they do things that interest them, while still meeting their responsibilities.

Do your best, and don’t obsess over getting into a college that rejects 95 out of 100 people.


PS, please change your user name.


Got it, thank you. I’ll tune them out next time.

:sweat_smile: oopsie, I think I got a bit excited on the signup page. I’ll change it.


Done, I changed it haha.

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