No supplemental questionnaire from any of the UC's...should I be worried?

<p>In the additional comments portion of the UC application, I pointed out that I was diagnosed with ADHD and was put under the 504 Plan in high school, along with the fact that in first semester junior year, my dad was having great difficulties supporting my family and how I had to help him out a lot such as helping him with his business late into the night until finally, in winter break junior year, he got another job offer and things were looking up for my family again. Due to some circumstances, my grades kind of suffered during first semester junior year and so my UC GPA is kind of (really) low for the UC’s that I applied to. Despite that, my SAT scores are really good and my ACT and subject tests are (somewhat) good. I would think that some of the UC’s that I applied to (I applied to Cal, LA, San Diego & Irvine) would offer me supplemental questionnaires due to my disabilities and special circumstances that I had to go through but I got none. I’m really hoping to get into San Diego at the very least (I don’t have very high hopes for Cal & LA, although some have told me that with my SAT scores, I have a fairly good chance) but not getting any questionnaires is really worrying for me. I know that those questionnaires are just for people who are on the (VERY) tip of the borderline so you guys don’t have to tell me that but can someone please give me a critique of what my situation is considering my stats?</p>

<p>unweighted GPA: 3.6-something
UC GPA: exactly 3.6 (I retook a lot of honors-level classes that I got B’s in which didn’t get factored into the UC GPA because I didn’t fail them the first time)
SAT: 2210 (640 CR, 770 Math, 800 Writing)
ACT: 30 (with 11 essay score)
Subject Tests: 770 Math iic, 600 Bio M
I consider my essays really good because I spent a lot of time on them and I am typically a good essay writer</p>

<p>And just fyi, I already got accepted to University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign which is supposedly harder than UC Irvine but I’m pretty sure their systems are completely different for accepting freshmen (and maybe UIUC bought my sob story while UCI didn’t). I applied as a neuroscience/neurobiology major to all the UC’s that I applied to.</p>

<p>Your SAT is excellent. I think you have a shot at Irvine and maybe SD. </p>

<p>Thanks for the reply! I got an acceptance call from San Diego yesterday so turns out that I was fine all along! (Pretty sure that a SD acceptance is an almost-guaranteed acceptance to Irvine)</p>
