<p>Hi. I was just wondering if i should bother applying because im not confident that I will get accepted. I just started to work on my applications this week.</p>
<p>My GPA is 3.7.
SAT is m710 V620 (registered for oct. test)
SATIIc 780 Chem600(not too proud)..
This year im taking one AP(calc)
activity: varsity Track, tennis
math league
engineering, art club
I teach senior citizens computer (everyweek 2hours since 10th grade<br>
international exchange student program(freshmen year)</p>
<p>that is all i can remember at this moment. Can I please get some feedbacks. And will writing section count this year?</p>
<p>jersey rules. decent shot. only thing you should be concerned about is courseload. 1 AP doesn't seem too great. how many honors/APs have you had in HS?</p>
<p>Just apply. It can't hurt, and would you rather apply and take the chance that you might be rejected, or not apply, and forfeit any chance you would have had at being accepted?</p>
<p>Writing section on the ACT/SAT has counted since last year.</p>
<p>Is 3.7 your unweighed GPA? If so, your Michigan is a slight reach for you. If your GPA is weighed and your actual unweighed GPA is slignificantly lower, I'd say Michigan becomes a full blown reach.</p>
<p>I got in with no AP classes, although, to be fair, my school didn't offer any.</p>
<p>Yes, writing section counts. On the SAT or ACT website, I believe they have this little search engine thingie that you can type the name of a school into, and then it tells you whether or not writing's required.</p>
<p>I'm glad writing was required, otherwise I wouldn't have taken the ACT again and gotten a 30.</p>
<p>You're going to need the writing anyway, so just send the application now, mark down that you're taking the October SAT, and they'll wait for the new scores to come before they process it.</p>