non auto admit?

<p>In review status you test scores and class rank account for 50% of the weighting via projected GPA, rest is essays/personal achievement. Not knowing who you’ll be up against it’s tough to project, but after watching this last year I think you’re in good shape for TEAM and possible for full admission but the numbers are challenging: SAT score wise you’re near the top 5% while class rank wise near the bottom 5%. Be proactive with your university contacts and campus visits. Write strong essays, all three, and seek critiques. Get your application in soon. Good luck.</p>

<p>@Whoop86‌ Thank you!!</p>

<p>I have to question how you managed to drop from 10% to 27%, though?! </p>

<p>@shopsouthern‌ i dropped from 25% to 28% in one semester. i was never top 10%. it was frustrating because my GPA and grades were significantly higher second sem. the reason i dropped that many ranks was because so so so many people transferred out of our school to the neighbor one in hopes to bring up their rank. Our school is probably the most competitve and difficult school in the area. 2nd week of school and us IB kids are already having to pull all nighters. sorry there’s my quick rant, i just pulled one last night :/</p>

<p>@worrywart2k15‌ What is the top 7% cutoff at Westwood your year (are all 4.0 unweighted, with well over 4.0 weighted)?</p>

<p>Must be frustrating to worry about minor differences in GPA where for other colleges you have to worry more about the rigor of your schedule (trying to take the hardest reasonable classes, rather than the ones most likely to get boost your GPA).</p>

<p>Best of luck in this process. A&M seems like a very friendly place. With these good test scores you should have many other options too. Hope it works out well for you.</p>

<p>Chance me please? I live in Maryland and a junior in the IB program at my HS. My class rank is 23/478 witha GPA of 394/4.35 My SAT was M710 CR 500 W 650. I plan on re-taking SAT and taking the ACT to try to get better score. Classes taking this year, HL English, Social Studies, Math, Physics SL French and IGTS, EC’s are NJROTC officer for a nationally top 5 program, Varsity Basketball and Eagle scout. Im interested in joining the Corp of Cadets As an OOS, what are my chances for admission into engineering? Im not interested in the Blinn Team. </p>

<p>@md21403‌ You are guaranteed admission if you can get over 1400 CR + M with at least 600 in each section. Look at the auto academic admit requirements on TAMU’s website (there is a similar deal for ACT). </p>

<p>@2018RiceParent‌ the cut off is indeed 7% for my grade for UT, and I’m pretty sure it’s the weighted GPA that is taken into account for this. @md21403‌ the fact that you want to join the Corps of Cadets will look great! That’s almost a guaranteed admission I’m sure. The only reason I know that for a fact is because I’m the Deputy Group Commander of our AFJROTC, and they never stop saying that. good luck!</p>

<p>@worrywart2k15‌ What I meant was … are the stories true that at Westwood, like some of the other higher ranking public high schools, to qualify for UT (top 7%) you in effect have to have a 4.0 unweighted (so that with the weighted IB and/or AP courses the weighted GPA is near maximum)? Wondering what the cutoff was this year for top 7% (UT) and top 25% (A&M) at Westwood (and since it is weighted, what the roughly equivalent unweighted average that it corresponds to for those two threshholds). I have heard people say that you basically can’t get more than 1 or 2 Bs or you ruin your chance at top 7% and was wondering if that was true this year.</p>

<p>Westwood’s school report indicates that the 1st quartile rank has a weighted GPA range of 5.75-4.78. </p>

<p>Sorry, posted before I was done. Top 7% kids can’t afford Bs at Westwood. Is that the case at most schools?</p>

<p>I find it interesting that A&M’s academic admits are so few in comparison to the auto admits. Lots of top 25% but it seems harder to hit the test score requirements. </p>

<p>It is my understanding that the top 10% admits are counted in that category whether or not they would also be academic admits for A&M.</p>

<p>It looked like the admission chart broke out auto and academic admits and the academic admits were much lower in count than the auto. </p>

<p>I think that @AGmomx2 was saying was that many of the folks who would have been academic admits were already Auto-admits. For example, someone who was in the top 10% and had a 1400 SAT would qualify in either category. They would not be counted twice.</p>

<p>worrywart2k15 and JAMCAFE, thanks for the info. I have already signed up for both SAT/ACT for the fall. I went to visit the Corp over the weekend AGGIE Eagle. I know getting into PETE will be tough but as the saying goes- its easy then is is not worth to me. Too me that is what it is about getting in and making it work for me. The weather really sucked as I wanted to go Midnight Yell was cancelled, but all and all it was a great trip and look forward to next year</p>

<p>Also, by joining the Corp, especially if your OOS, like me, you will most likely get a scholarship. The scholarship is for $2400 over two years ($600 per semester) but most importantly you now have IN STATE tuition!! Also if your worried about not getting accepted, register at a PSC or visit the school. That is what several members of the Corps told me and also from other non Corps</p>

<p>@2018RiceParent‌ I believe @WWmama‌ answered that question? But yes, unweighted of almost everyone I know in top 15% is at least a 4.0. I’m not sure about GPA cutoffs for either school’s auto admit policies, since it varies depending on the GPA of fellow students as it is based on ranking of our weighted GPA. </p>

<p>~Side Note: Submitted my applications for UT Dallas, A&M and UT last night. Fingers crossed!~</p>