Non-Catholic at Notre Dame? Methodist?

<p>I have always really loved Notre Dame. I like the Christian mentality, attitude, and morals and i would love to meet people like that. But i am not a Catholic and i know that like 80% of Notre Dame is Catholic. What is the religious feel like at Notre Dame if your not Catholic?What is it like if you are.. Methodist?</p>

<p>It’s not a problem (I am Protestant.) There is never a question that ND is a Catholic school, and it is a part of daily life. There are groups for non-Catholics, but I attend dorm mass weekly and enjoy worshipping with my friends. Even in Theology classes, I have found the profs to be open to discussions that are counter to Catholic teachings if the opinions are respectful and well thought-out. Based on your description of the things you like, I believe you would enjoy ND. It is a wonderfully rich religious experience.</p>

<p>I’m Methodist, too! I’m worried about people downplaying my denomination, but I feel that ND wouldn’t be like that. Right?</p>

<p>im a freshman at ND and i am a methodist…honestly it is not an issue whatsoever…i go to mass in the dorm every thursday and most sundays (it is catholic mass of course), but its still going to church in my opinion and that is wats important…but overall i wouldnt worry about being methodist at ND for a second…it hasnt affected my experience here in the slightest</p>