Non-resident Scholarships

<p>Alright a couple weeks ago I found out that I scored a 26 on my ACT. I’ve looked at multiple schools for scholarship money and I’m qualified for $8,000 at Arizona State, a grand at OU and in-state tuition at Arkansas. From what I’ve read getting a non-resident scholarship at Arizona must be difficult. Do I have any chance of getting any scholarship from U of A with what I have?(I live in Texas and I’m in top 40% of my class).</p>

<p>U of A likes their out of state kids. They also offer less than ASU to be honest since they are more selective.</p>

<p>Are you involved in any ECs or are going to apply as a certain major coming in? Some majors will offer you some more scholarships… These will usually be less common majors like Engineering, Humanities, etc.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t expect a big scholarship with them, if you do get one. I got the same score on my ACT and originally got NO scholarship with them, and my parents argued with them until I eventually got some money squeezed out of them. But I live in-state. If your family qualifies for enough financial aid they will help you out with a scholarship.</p>

<p>Also, apply to U of A as early as possible. They will take a bit to decide, but once you are accepted IMMEDIATELY–and I really do mean IMMEDIATELY–look at Scholarship Universe. They offer a TON of scholarships and some are exclusive to U of A accepted kids only. A lot of people I know now were able to get scholarships from this website, so this is your best bet at getting some more $$.</p>

<p>Good luck! And Bear Down!</p>