Non-trad Transfer Foreign Lang

Hello CC members,
This is my first post, so excuse if I post this in the wrong section.

I attend my local community college and I am 50% done with my AA. I have a 4.0 GPA and my goal is to transfer to my state University, or whichever University offers the best financial package.

My question: I need to fulfill a foreign language requirement worth 8 credits. I recently discovered CLEP exams, so I have considered taking the Spanish exam to fulfill the requirements, because I know Spanish.
However, after thinking about it, I thought it would look weak to test out of a language I know. I asked an advisor at my college whether it would be fine to take the Spanish CLEP even though I am fluent, and she recommended I did. I also emailed one of the State schools to see whether they care and I received the same answer, they only care whether I meet the specific program requirements.

I have decided to ignore them so far and enrolled in German Language for Spring.
What do you guys think? Does it matter or am I being too cautious?