Non-traditional Student Needs Help

<p>Ok here's my situation:</p>

<p>-Single male, 25 years old, very mature, independent
-Anthropology, Psychology/Biopsychology, Philosophy
-AAS degree 3.4 GPA (gpa does not accurately reflect my intellect/will be 2 points higher by end of semester)</p>

<p>~Looking for a decent liberal arts college in my interests.
~Full-time/on-campus living with good facilities
~Preferably in the mid-atlantic, in bustling city or town with public transportation
*w/Decent financial aid</p>

<p>I need some mature, older posters input. Hence, my posting in the parents forum.</p>

<p>Any help/advise is greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>Thank You.</p>

<p>Just a couple of thoughts. Others among us may know a lot more (Carolyn, loks like a case for you).</p>

<p>I think that as a transfer student you may have some difficulty getting financial aid at many schools. Nonethless, for the kind of atmosphere you mentioned, you might look at Drexel, Temple and Boston University. The latter two are certainly large enough that there ought to be some students aroud your age.</p>

<p>If you're Catholic or comfortable in a Catholic setting, you might look at schools where a significant number of students engage in missionary work, as again you would have some students close to your age.</p>

<p>A few suggestions: St. Mary's College of Maryland (public LAC - won't meet your requirement for a bustling town but it is worth a good look), Mary Washington College in Virginia, McDaniel College in Maryland, Goucher College in Maryland, Loyola College of Maryland. (The advantage of the last two, plus UMBC and Towson state below is that they are part of a consortium that allows you to take some classes at the other schools as well Johns Hopkins).</p>

<p>Larger universities: U of Maryland Baltimore County, Towson State in Maryland, U of Maryland College Park (may be a reach but give it a try), George Mason University in Virgina, James Madison U. in Virginia, George Washington U in D.C., Catholic U in D.C. I also like dadofsam's suggestion of BU - just be aware that they can be stingy with financial aid. If you're willing to look that far north, check out Clark University in Mass - they have an excellent psychology program with many graduate students your age.</p>

<p>That should give you a good start. Good luck!</p>