Northeastern Early Decision and Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

If you submitted on 10/30/21, you are fine! You can also look at the common app to see when NEU downloaded your application?

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My daughter would like to submit scores now that she got her ACT scores. Her email form NEU says to self-report using Application Status Check but we can’t seem to find where to report them.

I believe it’s on the application status portal (the link you receive after submitting the application). My daughter self reported her SAT.

Circling back to my question about financial aid. On the portal is says “will show here once received.” Is that what yours says? Is it an after decision thing?


FA Information is provided with your admissions decision assuming all your paperwork was received on time.

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Do IDOC documents need to be submitted by 11/15 or processed by 11/15?

Good question for admissions, but I’d want to get it done by tomorrow to be on the safe side.

Usually about $20/hour as far as I can tell from my daughter.

@MAandMEmom -
Thanks! Does your daughter attend northeastern? If so, has she already completed her coop? Is she on target to complete her UG in 4 years? Did she take summer courses?

I can answer that as well. I have a 2nd year who will be starting his first co-op in January. He is on target to graduate in 4 years. He had a fair amount of AP credits going in and took challenge exams the summer before freshman year which helped him as well. Last year he did take 2 summer courses. They offer summer 1 and summer 2, he took summer 1 so he still had July and August off before returning to school in September.

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My daughter is a sophomore this year and she will have her first coop this spring and has already received an offer. She’s an athlete so some of her game plan includes being on/near campus for her season-straddling sport of swimming. She’s in a combo program of international business and international relations (arabic minor) and will likely finish in the summer of 2024. She also had several AP courses as well as a course or two from the community college where I work. Northeastern is one of those institutions though where you need to front load any transfer courses as they typically will not accept them after you matriculate. That needs to be kept in mind as you develop your game plan. We do not want to have to pay outside the typical eight semesters so this is important.

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Regardless of whether a student follows the 4 or 5 year plan you never pay for more than 8 semesters tuition.


were those Challenge exams conducted by North Eastern? Can students take NEU summer courses virtually before entering NE as a freshman?



Last year Northeastern gave an added perk to students admitted ED. They were allowed to take up to 4 NU classes online free of charge during the spring or summer before they started at NU. They are trying to find ways to help more kids graduate in 4 years if they want to.


Yup, I know that but taking an extra class outside the eight semesters would cost more. Students remaining in Boston for coops would also need to account for room either on or off-campus. My daughter’s first coop is paid so she’ll fund that.

Even if it were possible, it wouldn’t likely be cost effective and taking them at a local college would be advised. Of course, getting guidance on the transferability is important.

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Once you graduate HS, you cannot enroll at a CC for summer courses bc it negates your frosh enrollment at another college, in this case, neu. I’m not sure NEU or any college allows local cc classes the summer before.

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As long as you have yet to matriculate (i.e. arrive on campus), I believe Northeastern will permit transfer credit. Afterward, it would be a no go. My daughter did this.

So these were courses your D took the summer after HS graduation? I would get them confirmed by the registrar before taking anything…