Northeastern Early Decision and Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Son got deferred as well, as expected. From NY. 97/100 GPA. 32 ACT, 1440 SAT. He wasn’t too upset. Said “it was a pretty nice school, but it’s not a deal breaker.” He has a couple EA acceptances elsewhere so not panicking. His brother was deferred 4 years ago and ultimately rejected. His GPA and scores were a bit lower though.

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The metric that NE is trying to improve is their yield rate (i.e., percentage of accepted students who elect to enroll, divided by total number of students admitted). Their yield rate was only 24% last year and declined from the prior year. For comparison, schools like Stanford & Harvard were over 80%, and the University of Chicago, MIT, and Yale all have 70%+ yield rates. Northeastern also finished behind other private institutions such as Vanderbilt (47%), Rice (42%), and Carnegie Mellon (37%). Northeastern’s high number of EA deferrals is strategic in that it helps the university to (somewhat) weed out applicants who do not have NE as their first choice and are less like to enroll.


Hispanic male
Decision: Accepted
SAT/ACT: 36 superscore
GPA: 4.6W/ 3.95UW
State/Country: instate/MA
Major: Math - College of Science
Did you apply for FA?: yes

  • National Recognition Program Scholar $31K/yr
  • financial aid Northeastern University Grant $6.2K/yr

9 APs, rest Honors

  • Eagle Scout
  • 4 yrs Varsity sport - Captain
  • President/founder of a Club
  • part-time job, etc

~6+ years: Northeastern accepts 50% from his Public High School

Congrats to all accepted and good luck to deferred!


My D was rejected tonight but it was a reach.
3.96 UW 4.2 W
AP & Honor
Strong ECs
JV, V Field Hockey, NHS, Peer Leadership, PT job 30 hrs/wk

My D was accepted NUin, wondering if there is any option if she decides she doesn’t want to start with a semester abroad? Would a deferral have been better? I believe on the app she did say she would be open to first semester abroad.

4.0 UW 4.7 W TO

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Great stats,just brutal app cycle. GL


Surprised that my S22 got into NU.In this evening. It was a stretch school for us. I think his Common App essay probably helped him a lot plus some solid teacher recommendations (from his AP Government teacher).

Asian male
Decision: Accepted to NU.In
SAT: 1460 (submitted)
GPA: 4.6W/ 3.6UW
State: TX
Major: Philosophy
Public high school
Did you apply for FA?: No

5-6 APs

  • No sports
  • President/founder of a Club

Her only option would be to accept NUin.

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MA S22 accepted. 4.0 uw. 1550 one sitting (780v, 770m). Wt 20k/year dean’s scholarship. Denied ED Cornell, Deferred villanova. So very happy


Well, Neu is desperately trying to manage their yield this year. They are overenrolled by 1700 students this current year which is causing havoc on campus for housing and classes and will have ripple effects as this cohorts moves forward. This number does not even include NUin numbers which they never post and are also likely overenrolled bc they had the Boston option again. The Boston option will not continue fall 2022.

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Actually their yield was much higher last year than previous years. It resulted in this years freshman class over enrolled by 700 plus students. It’s been assumed that NU will accept fewer students this year and accept a higher percentage of ED1 and ED2 students. They are not exactly protecting their yield, rather they are trying to accurately estimate it.


Deferred w 6 AP, 4 honors, 4 year dance team and captain, president of ecology club, student council, capstone (one on one research with a teacher), NHS, lots of volunteer work, 2 year medical internship, 1 year dental internship


Actual overenrollment is more like 1700 as per their common data set. Normal fall class size has historically been 2,800-3,000 recently. The females this year are 2700! This does not include NUin As this reflects fall enrollments. I bet NUin had a high yield too due to a Boston option continuing this year.

My D (now in 6th years masters) said it’s a madhouse it’s so crowded everywhere!

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Son accepted, undeclared and very excited!
3.8UW /4.1 W
3 dual enrollment classes, 3 AP, 3 IB
ASB, community service, 4 year varsity soccer
Graduated HS in 2021 and currently taking gap year to serve with AmeriCorps NCCC


Son deferred from NY. 1500 SAT, lots of ECs including leadership positions, AP scores all 5s, one 4, and likely valedictorian. Major is PoliSci/Economics. His older brother is currently a third year in engineering department at NEU, Dean’s List every semester. My son is a little salty but will ultimately end up where he best fits in. Ironically his brother got in EA at NEU but deferred early action at Case Western. He was ultimately accepted RD there and given great $. Both sons had nearly identical stats, scores, similar ECs, older son was valedictorian. Deferrals are a little disappointing but not the end of the world. It seems like many excellent candidates were deferred and congrats again to all those accepted.


What was the first choice school you got into? Sorry you were deferred by NEU though, I know it’s disappointing.

So the NUin is technically an acceptance - but requires first semester abroad. Yes? Curious how this works out with housing as well as overall cost - which is ultimately what this comes down to, right? Will merit even apply to those in NUin program? Thanks all. Daughter almost home so I can actually see this for myself!! :rofl:

Kid accepted to NUin with a Dean’s scholarship–was hoping for a regular acceptance but I suspect excitement might build once the locations are announced. It’s too bad that there isn’t any more information at this point. Kid thinks it’s kind of strange to be accepted to something that is so undefined.

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Totally strange.

Purdue Honors College FYE. Super happy to go there. Just surprised by Northeastern decision. I know I am going where I was meant to go. Sounds like Northeastern is so overcrowded.

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