Northeastern Early Decision and Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Yes, but an email from whom???

Then it is NOT official. Beware of scams!

yup, exactly what I was thinking after ED2 admissions and EA decisions. Going forward, NU will likely admit very few students from RD and just fill in the gaps.

Great info. My son withdrew his application after his deferral and a tour that moved NEU down the list. I hope that his action i some way helps the deferred student who truly wants to attend. Sounds like it was a good move. Good luck to all the deferred EA candidates!


With many schools going test optional, NMF will play a much more minor role going forward I think. And NU used this scholarship as a way to draw high stats students, which they do anyway now, so likely it is not needed as a draw anymore. The scholarship for NMF has continually dropped so it sounds like $25k might be their max this year.

That does seem in line with everything I have read (unfortunately). TFS.

My deferred kid decided to stick with his app, because he loved NEU so much when we visited, but we have no illusions he will be accepted.

I honestly do not know whether it was legit. Makes sense if it was for international students?

Can I ask what from the tour moved NEU down on his list?

He did not love the campus nor the vibe from the info session or during the tour. Gasp, he liked BU betterā€¦

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Thanks for this info. We did visit last Spring but there were very few students out and about because of Covid shutdowns so it was hard to get clear vibe at any of the Boston schools we looked at. Although funny enough my daughterā€™s take away was the oppositeā€“she loved NEU and took BU off her list after visiting! We will visit NEU again in April and Iā€™m hoping she likes it as much this time around as it is currently one of her best options.


Iā€™m sure she willā€”so many do. We visited so he could decide if a LOCI was worthwhile. When he told me he would go to one of his safeties first then withdrawal was the right thing to do. Wishing everyone the best in the days to come!


My D22 has the same reactions from visits to Boston University and Northeastern University. She was deferred ED at BU and deferred EA at NU. Now other schools have accepted her and offered some nice merit money. Itā€™s going to be an exciting time a month from now when decisions are received!


Good to visit if possible and find the best fit for your child. NU is def not the right school for all as is the same with any school. Iā€™m glad you could visit and figure this out early. Best of luck wherever your child lands.

Thank you so much. Iā€™m glad as well since it means not holding out hope on admission that just might benefit someone else who really wants to go to NEU. :blush:

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This does seem in line with other data that weā€™ve seen, i.e., that this fallā€™s Boston class was targeted to have approximately 2500 students, with 1/2 admitted through ED. Assuming 1250 were admitted through ED1 + ED2, that means the other 1750 were admitted through EA. If the yield is close to 100% for ED and 33% for EA, that means over 1800 spots of the 2500 fall Boston spots are already filled.

I had that issue too! I had to wait a couple of days and then it allowed me to upload it.

Not for NUin. Only England for CS, but London requires someone to be 18 by the start.

Will NEU release in the middle of March or end of the March? Or several waves?

The most likely release date is Wednesday, March 23rd based on past years. Decisions are released in waves starting around 4 or 5 PM EDT. All decisions are released on the same day.


Hi Everyone, D22 committed to Pitt today where she has been selected as a Stamps Scholar and member of Pitt Honors! She withdrew her application to Northeastern. Best of luck to all!