Northeastern Early Decision and Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

4 people from my school applied. Three were rejected and I was deferred. There were plenty of rejections.

When will EA referred release?

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They will be released at the same time as RD decisions.


Itā€™s looking very much like NEU for D22. Any advice on housing?

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Frosh just apply to a LLC (living learning community) to be placed with others of similar interests. It is hard to tell exactly where frosh will be housed next year exactly bc they have to still manage all the rising soph from this yearā€™s extremely large class. I would not worry too much about housing and just complete the form when it comes. I do think they get placed in housing based on date of deposit though. Personally I recommend random roommate selection so there is no expectation of being best friends, but some kids find roommates on IG or other social media groups. Those donā€™t always work out though.

Based on past years Wednesday 3/23 would be decision day, but no guarantee.


Sorry if this has been discussed, but Iā€™m particularly curious about how the over-enrollment impacts class sizes,
since S22 may start as a 2nd semester Freshman or Sophomore because NEU accepts a lot of AP credits.
So heā€™d be taking a bunch of Sophomore classes with the very large overcrowded Class of 2025 sophomores.

Edited to add:
in addition to crowded classes, what about difficulty in registering for the classes you need, due to Class2025 over-enrollment?

I have not heard any complaints about overcrowded classes. Some parents have complained about waiting times at dining halls and the gym is more crowded. I donā€™t think the class sizes changed.


I agree with @Mom270. At the Beanpot finals i spoke to several students about the over enrollment. The issues are with dining halls and the gym. No one mentioned crowded classes. There was a consensus that after a year of learning from home or being on a half empty campus it felt good to be around a lot of people.


Is there a chance for the 16th?

Doubtful based on past years.

It seems like the overcrowding in the gym and dining halls should be corrected by the smaller incoming freshman class, but what if more people accept than expected again? Thereā€™s really no way for them to know how many will say yes.

I think NU has publicly said it is enrolling fewer students for this fall so there will be fewer acceptances and more waitlisting. Itā€™s a tough year for applicantsā€¦


Last year it came out on a Wednesday the 17thā€¦


Yes it does sound like few acceptances but they are certainly still accepting more than they think will enroll, and as last year shows, itā€™s impossible to really predict the yield.

My older son did Amigos DR in 2017! Loved it. Now finishing at UCSB Spanish major.

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My son took BU off after visiting also, kept NU on but wasnā€™t raving about it but applied/accepted ED1. Iā€™m a bit nervous bc we were there in August 2021 with very few NU students on campus and hard to get a vibe also. Heā€™s a quirky BIPOC kid and I hope he finds his people when he gets there. Heā€™s deferring/doing a gap year first.

Important to distinguish between financial aid and merit awards, as well as NU need-based funding vs government financial aid. @Gene_Chen I wonder if the money NU gave you is a merit award, which would be NU-funded.