Northeastern Early Decision and Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

it says on the website they have some in April; I hope they’re not filled up :frowning:

Call admissions.

We are registered to attend an admitted student event on Sunday, April 10th.

Nvm, I was able to register last night. Probably just bad WiFi at school. I’ll be there on Sunday!

I just choked on hotel costs for that weekend…any recommendations?

Join the Northeastern Parents Facebook group and search hotels. Someone got a much better rate by booking through Expedia. Some of the close hotels have discounts for AAA or Northeastern and some people save money by booking outside the city.


There’s always the option of heading westward toward Waltham where there are a ton of hotels. A car would be needed of course:).


When we visited the school last year, we stayed at a hotel in Chelsea, close to the airport. It was very easy and convenient to get to the campus by subway.

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Hotel shuttle to Wellington T station?

Well, actually we took the shuttle back to Logan airport and then subway from there to NEU. I remember there was a bus route that was close to our hotel and could take us to campus as well. Being on many different boy-scouts trips, me and my son have always wanted to try different types of public transportation, explore unknow areas on foot which was exactly we did when we were in Boston. It was fun. We both love NEU’s campus along with its surrounding area and the city of Boston in general.


Put down deposit at NEU. Combined business/CS major.



Do most business program kids do the Business LLC for housing?

Maybe, but not mine. Wants to meet people outside faculty.

We attended the Welcome Day this weekend and my daughter enjoyed it but also felt like co-op was the main focus. She loves the idea of co-op but would also like to hear some great things about a students time on campus, as co-op is really something that happens off campus. Can any current students or parents talk about somethings that they have loved during their semesters on campus (while not on co-op). Boston seems like an amazing place for college and I’m sure kids spend a lot of time exploring the city, but on the campus itself, can anyone speak to the traditions/school spirit at Northeastern or amazing professors and classes that they’ve had?

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My son started in 2020 so not much was happening on campus. Clubs have picked up this year and he has done trips with the ski club, rock climbing, the outdoors club and intramural softball. There are many clubs and some Greek life although it’s more toned down than other places and no pressure to go Greek. The most exciting thing was the Beanpot, the annual hockey tournament with BC, BU, NU and Harvard. He said there were more Northeastern fans than any other school and it was an exciting atmosphere. He likes the cheap Red Sox student tix. At the first big snowfall there was a snowball fight with 100 students at Centennial Common and they had a student watch party when an NU student was a big winner on Jeopardy. In nice weather, kids put hammocks between trees and play frisbee. He enjoys his economics classes and is doing a study abroad in Rwanda this summer that sounds great. Good luck with your decision!


Northeastern emphasizes coop during these sessions to ensure that admitted students understand what they are getting into. It is not the typical college experience of 8 semesters interspersed with summer vacations or internships. I agree that Northeastern needs to better balance the presentations to include more on the campus experience.


What @TomSrOfBoston said is right!

NU is a non-traditional school. So it’s important for incoming students to be comfortable and excited about co-op and the professional and personal growth it’ll require. If a student is not sure about experiential learning, then NU may not be the school for them. The co-op differentiating factor of NU brings a commonality to all NU students. They may be very diverse bunch but they have similar goals for their college life - to combine academic and real world experience with a good dose of adulting (with support from NU) thrown in.

If the student is ready for NU program, then there are abundant opportunities for a full college experience. Take a look at the many official Facebook and Instagram account, and even the 2 big NU Parents Facebook groups to get an idea. Sports, clubs, campus events, city events,… they have it all, except for a football team.

My student is having the best time of his life. His friends are in other top notch and state flagship schools, and his experience is second to none, and he can’t imagine himself anywhere else

He’s in Greek life, has great grades but has busy weekend social life, is doing research in an academic club, has attended Beanpot hockey and Red socks games, goes out with friends to explore the city, takes city bikes if he doesn’t want to walk back to campus later, meets with friends and friend’s friends in other Boston schools,… he’s just a happy and contented kid.

He’s doing a combined major, but is still deciding on what exactly he wants to do. NU experiential learning program will allow him the freedom to explore and figure it out. Academically, he has flexibility to tweak his program. Kids have multiple opportunities for global learning experience (Global Quest, DOC, summer programs), and that’s going to enrich their learning as well.

Like any other school, the kids have to seek out opportunities, work on relationships, and take ownership of their happiness. It won’t always be easy, but for kids with the right mindset, they’ll shine.

Good luck!


Thank you @midwestmum , @TomSrOfBoston and @Mom270 for this helpful info! It’s great to hear that northeastern kids are having a full and fulfilling college experience :slight_smile: One quick question: which meal plan do you recommend for freshman?

12 meal plan, 100%!

You can increase the plan later if you need to but you can’t lower it.

You don’t want to pay for 17-meals or Unlimited, and let it go unused by your student.

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