Northeastern IN

my son has just been accepted to Northeastern’s IN program for the fall for computer science. Can anyone give me any info about this program and how it differs from starting at regular NE classes? It is certainly more expensive.

If you go to the Northeastern College Confidential forum there is a pinned post with NUIn Info and FAQs

For ease of access, the thread mentioned by @Mom270

If this is the Boston location, this is the first time it has ever been offered due to COVID-19 concerns and the only information available for that will be found on the website.

Thank you. I’m really not sure what type of experience can be offered in Boston rather than an international location as in the past, especially during this pandemic. If anyone else has also been offered this option please post what you know. Info thin on the ground.


This is about all I’ve seen:

My general advice here would be that given the uncertainty about Fall as a whole, I would basically say its a well-suited option for someone that loves Northeastern and had it high on their list + the price is similar to their current option or price is not important.

It’s really hard to know what shape it will take and I’m guessing there are going to be some disorganized parts, just as with almost every Fall college experience upcoming.

@Churchill2 Hi, I’m a Northeastern student! The NUin program is a great program where students can spend their first semester of college studying abroad. Usually, there are numerous locations around the world, but as of now, I believe there is just NUin Boston, London, and Dublin. I was not part of the NUin program but I have friends who have done London and Dublin, and absolutely loved it. Students in the NUin program basically take classes at a partner institution in whatever city they’re in, and their classes can transfer back to NU. Most people I know who did NUin absolutely loved it, even if they were skeptical at first, or if they were more introverted. Many students travel around every weekend, which is incredible! They are in a location with a couple hundred other NU students, and they live with other NUin students. Therefore, they get VERY close with their NUin friends, and carry their friendships back to Boston. Everyone who I know who has done NUin has loved their time and wishes they could go back. I don’t know too much about the NUin Boston location, other than that students will be living in Boston, but not on NU’s campus.
Hope this helps, let me know if you have more questions!