northeastern is my top choice....chance please!

<p>My Stats are:</p>

<p>GPA Unweighted: about 3.8 or 3.9
GPA Weighted: 4.1563
Class Rank: 8 out of 486</p>


<p>SUPERSCORE: 1910 (CR: 670 M: 620 W: 620)
May 2010: 1820 (CR: 600 M: 600 W: 620)
October 2010: 1890 (CR: 670 M: 620 W: 600)
Retaking November. Wish me luck!</p>

<p>SAT II:
Biology: 740 World History: 640 Math 2: 580
Not sending my Math score anywhere.</p>

<p>ACT: Don't Ask hahaha</p>

<p>AP Exams:
Biology: 5
Statistics: senior year
Chemistry: senior year
Calculus: senior year</p>

<p>Classes and Grades: Here's a copy of my transcript,
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Extracurricular Activities:
Recreational soccer (since sophomore year)
Youth group (since freshman year, but skipped junior year)
Hindi school (same as youth group)
Dartmouth Community Medical Lectures (since sophomore year)
Debate Team (sophomore year only)
Free Thinkers Club (junior year only)
Young Democrats (sophomore)
Key Club (senior year)</p>

<p>Community Service/Volunteer:
Tutored other high school students through peer tutoring program at school
Various Key Club and NHS activities
I don't know if this counts but I volunteered during the 2008 elections </p>

National Honor Society
1st place in Western New England College Engineering Competition
St. Anselm Book Award
Model UN Delegate of the Year
High Honors Roll</p>

<p>Extra Stuff:</p>

<p>Ethnicity: Indian (of the South Asian variety, not Native American)</p>

<p>High School: Above average public school, usually a handful of students get into top-tier schools every year.</p>

<p>Location: NH</p>

<p>Also, I have some credits from a local community college.</p>

<p>If any part needs clarification, don't hesitate to ask! Thanks!</p>

<p>Your stats seem to be well within Northeastern’s range. It doesn’t seem like you’ll have any trouble being accepted.</p>

<p>Neat I really really hope I get in</p>

<p>400 views and one chance…</p>

<p>I’m hoping you are in as your stats are simular to my D’s. :)</p>

<p>I agree with kierans. Best of luck to you.</p>

<p>wewsy, I hope your D gets in as well. My son currently attend NU and loves it.</p>

<p>Hahaha thanks I hope we both get in! Good luck!</p>

<p>I think you should have no problem.</p>

<p>Sweet! Do you go there?</p>

<p>No, my daughter does. She had a very high GPA with an IB diploma and was #2 or 3 in her class of 40. Her SATs were 740R, 600M, 740W. She was offered entry into the honors program and accepted that, plus earned a Dean’s Scholarship. You should know soon, and I expect you will be accepted.</p>

<p>She absolutely LOVES going there, by the way. It’s a beautiful new campus in a perfect urban location, all wired and wireless, great dorms and food, tons of clubs, smart kids focused on learning who they are and prepping for the job market. She loves the big-but-small feel and being challenged academically without having to be a struggling “legend kid” like if she’d gone to an Ivy school (which she wouldn’t have gotten into with her low math SAT score). Northeastern is a perfect fit for her.</p>

<p>Good luck! Let us know how you do.</p>

<p>You’ll definitely get in. Honestly, I’d be extremely surprised if you didn’t. My brother is a sophomore there, and his academic stats were worse. He wasn’t even in the top 10% of his class. We’re also from NH, too - about 25 minutes from St. Anselm’s. Good luck!</p>

<p>I’m inclined to wonder why you seem so hesitant about Northeastern given your stats. In fact, in all honesty, I’d say aim higher. You’d have a good chance at schools well above NE in rankings.</p>

<p>The OP has a good chance for admission. But it is a match. @california_life, his SAT score is slightly below Northeastern’s average, in all honesty.</p>

<p>I think everyone is on edge and questioning because every year the stats get a little bit more competitive. My D has a 4.0, 1950 SAT’s, and a solid resume but nothing is a given until that “YOUR IN” flashes back at you. :slight_smile: The waiting is almost over.</p>

<p>Just retook the SAT Saturday, hope I bumped up in something! I think im around the 50% mark for each section tho.
California, I’m also applying to BU, brandeis, NYU, and George Washington for my reaches.
Baron, I visited in April and loved it. It’s like it’s own secluded oasis in the middle of the bustling city!</p>

<p>Zoidberg, I don’t think BU is any more of a reach than NU. In fact, despite the legacy ranking, I think NU is now better than BU and the rankings just haven’t caught up yet. While BU may have slightly more academic rigor for now, NU’s facilities, spending, high tech, and dorms and campus are better and improving. BU and BC are declining in my opinion.</p>

<p>BU’s fame comes mostly from its graduate and professional schools, which are more extensive than Northeastern and BC. BU has been stagnant for over 25 years due to former BU president Silber and his legacy. I would not say that BC is declining. Their freshman stats are significantly higher than Northeastern or BU.</p>

<p>Have a D at GW, (she loves it btw) and I tell you, NU’s stats are pretty much the same as GW… as baronbvp says, think the rankings have not caught up yet. sooooooon!</p>

<p>yeah but still, northeasterns been rising in the ranks pretty fast. i was considering applying to bc, but thought it was waaaay too big of a reach to bother with. i still sort of feel that way about nyu, but eh worth a shot. i really like gw, but not my first choice…i’d rather be in boston. how does brandeis compare to northeastern in terms of admission difficulty?</p>

<p>the only reason i feel hesitant is because my school is about 30-40 minutes outside of boston, so im basically competing with like a quarter of my graduating class for spots at the same exact schools, and a lot of them seem more qualified then me. also, my ec’s seem fairly weak so thats why im kind of reserved =/</p>