Northeastern MSQF or Babson MSF

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I’m currently deciding between these two programs and am confused on which one to choose. From Northeastern, I got a $12500 scholarship. I also got a $35000 scholarship from Babson. So there’s quite a cost difference between the two. Also, at Northeastern, it’ll take me at least 1 and a half years to complete the program while at Babson I can complete it in two semesters so I’ll be done by Spring next year. However, Babson is so far away from the city and Northeastern’s location is so ideal. I was wondering whether the two programs are at the same level in the rankings? Does anyone have an opinion on which one I should choose? Thanks!!

What do you want to do in life?

It’s a year of your life so not much.

How would you pay for NEU ?

If you want to be in the city, why did you apply to Babson?

To me - Babson.

Much cheaper, likely better respected by key business names, and you are earning $$ six months earlier

You can live in the city later.

But you might check:

do both offer the curriculum that will lead to what you desire ?

career outcomes - to ensure both can get you where you want.

Best of luck.

If Babson is significantly cheaper, it’s fine to go with that. As a Northeastern alum and parent, I find that many CC posters have little idea about the opportunities that NU (not NEU) provides. The co-op program offers real-world experience that many big name companies value. Many students graduate with job offers in hand. It’s nice to have that option, especially when I see graduates of other colleges having a hard time finding a job in their field. Boston rents are high, but it is a great place to be a student with discounts on museums, concerts, sport events, etc. Good luck.

NU = Northwestern :slight_smile:

Student is going to grad school and while they have grad co-ops, they’re not integrated into the program. It’s really just a summer internship.

As I noted, OP can check curriculums and career outcomes to see if either better meets their need - but in general, saving money and getting into the job market earlier is a good thing!!

I went to NU (Northeastern😉) for grad school and my co-op experiences were most certainly not just “a summer internship.” As I said, most CC’ers do not have much knowledge or understanding about the school and I would recommend seeking other sources for your info. NU has “Husky Ambassadors” you can talk to and I’m sure Babson has more knowledgeable people too.

I can appreciate those who attended a school…but this is directly from the school. Because the CC is an open forum, I’ll provide when I feel I can give relevant info.


Summer co-ops typically last 8-12 weeks during the summer between your first and second year of study. While less common, you could complete a co-op part-time. Co-ops may be completed remotely, in person, or a hybrid combination of remote and in-person work. You are encouraged to work closely with your advisor when planning your co-op.

The difference between the insightful comments of parents in the 10k-plus NU Parents Facebook group and the secondhand comments on CC are night and day. I strongly recommend not relying on CC for secondhand info about NU and talking to students at both schools.

Again, what I put there is directly from the NEU MSF program website.

You do you - and I’ll do me.
