I haven’t heard back yet?!!
@Vexaeria dont lose hope. There’re still several waves and we probably hear back by mid june.
@fingerscrossed you think so? based on the 2017 transfer thread they just released a bunch of rejections May 31st. One person got in May 19th but…
@Vexaeria i think the next wave is gonna be next week.
@fingerscrossed particular reason, or just a feeling?
@Vexaeria well based on last year and other previous years. There’s one wave every 2 weeks.
@fingercrossed wow thats horrible o.e this is gonna be a long week. and they had the nerve to say all transfer decisions were coming out at the same time -.-
@Vexaeria were the waves that came every 2 weeks, were there both rejections and acceptances or mostly rejections?
@rams123 middle ones seemed to be both but it looked like the very last wave was all rejections. but obviously every applicant ever isn’t on CC so who knows
@Vexaeria Wait so does this mean that most of the people accepted are from last week’s Friday? Damn, I thought I had a chance since I got into BU.
Do I still have a chance of getting in?
Does anyone have any guesses as to when the next wave will come out?!
Someone said last year they released once every two weeks, so maybe we can expect another round this friday? @Em2180
I was accepted to Northeastern as a transfer and Im looking for a roommate for an apartment literally across the street from campus since they dont have any on campus housing, would any of you happen to be interested or know someone who would be interested in splitting a two bedroom apartment?
The last wave I was talking about was like May 31st. There should still be some acceptances this Friday guys.
Hey, guys. I’ve tried searching through the Northeastern apartment website, but to no avail. If anyone has already found an apartment, and is looking to split the rent between 2-3 people (so that each person pays less than $1000/mo), please let me know!
@Waluigi64 Go through northeasterns off campus student services!
So are we expecting another wave this Friday or should I just forget about NU until I get an email?
@msport I’d say forget about it until you get an email, but there will most likely be 1 wave this week or next week.