Northeatern called me and I didn't pick up

So Northeastern called me and I didn’t have the contact so I just thought that it was a telemarketer or something so I didn’t pick up; however, they left a voicemail saying thanks for your app and stuff. Should I call them back and thank them or should I just not respond?

Just curious… Was it a real person or a “robocall”

@violet12345 If they left a call back number, call them. If not, don’t call.

Maybe it’s a faculty member? I got a call from Professor Strauss, one of my professors this year and the then-chair of biochemistry, when I was admitted. We just chatted and she made sure I had her email for any questions.

But - Tom mentioned something about calls directly from admissions being a new thing this year - like a likely letter

@violet12345 you should absolutely call them back. You never know what kind of opportunities can result from the conversation.

Hi… what is the number? I received tons of calls from Boston… the same number… I never picked it up. I don’t know if these were the calls from NEU. Just wondering if I missed anything important?

@fiona1997 You would have found out yesterday anyway.

@suzyQ7 @TomSrOfBoston @julianstanley @WorkBelieve @Fiona1997 Thanks so much for answering me!
I got in so it all worked out :slight_smile: