Not accepted into A&M with a 1460 sat and 3.9 gpa?

Sure, I understand the concept of rolling admissions. Here is text from TxAgs from someone called TAMUAdmissions.

"People use the term rolling admissions in different ways. Since applicants have until December 1 to apply and December 15 to have all their supporting documents in the office, it is only then we have a complete picture of the qualifications of all the applicants in review.

We evaluate class rank (not specifically GPA), test scores (if sent) and everything else submitted with the application - outside activities, leadership, employment, the essays, etc."

“For domestic freshmen applicants, Top 10 applicants in Texas with a complete file in our office often hear a decision within a few weeks with first letters going out around late September. Since applicants have until December 1 to apply and December 15 to be sure the supporting documents are in our office, it is not until after that do we know how competitive the pool is for Review Admits. As a result, Review Admits may hear a decision anytime although after January 1 is more likely. Hopefully Review Admit decisions will be completed by late March.”

“Note part of the previous comment that review admits can hear anytime.”

You decide…