Not Answering the UW Prompt??

<p>I got a 35 on my ACT and am a leader for 5 clubs at my school (President of 2, captain of 2 others). The University of Wisconsin prompt asked, "Write about something that goes unnoticed in your life and explain why it is important to you." I wrote about how my mother is important to me but I didn't explain how it goes unnoticed!! Is it possible that I will be denied admission because of this foolish mistake? Please help me (honestly)! Thanks.</p>

<p>It goes without saying that most mom’s are unnoticed by their children, so that’s got to be one very sweet essay. And considering most essays suck, you should be fine.</p>

@MrMom62 I made it! Thanks :slight_smile:

@dliangsta Congratulations!

@Madison85 Thanks! :slight_smile: