<p>I'm a sophomore applying to a magnet school... my scores aren't CC quality, but I thought they were OK. I just wanted to share my luck in making quite a sizable jump without prep... and was wondering what I need to get from my current scores to the 2100-2200 range by junior or senior year.</p>
<p>January scores (2nd time)</p>
<p>CR 670(+20)
M 560 (+60)
W 640 (+110)</p>
<p>1680 vs. 1870 </p>
<p>I feel it shouldn't be hard to go from 670 and 640 to 700's, but math looks like it is going to be an issue. I'm currently in AP Calculus BC, so I'm not stupid... I am just a slow math problem solver.</p>
<p>Is this doable and will it require much work? BTW... I plan to major in Math and philosophy and I'd like to go somewhere like Duke, UNC-CH Honors, or HYPM.</p>