<p>Hey everybody.<br>
My name's Alex, and I am from Iowa. I am a White male. My stats are as follows: </p>
<p>GPA(UW): 3.65/4
ACT: 32 composite (E:32, M:32, S:32, R:32, E/W:32, 11 essay)
Varsity Golf and Tennis.<br>
Work 20 hours/week since April 2005.<br>
Volunteer with kids at mother's school.
Rotary Club Representative for my school (Chosen by principal/teachers) </p>
<p>-I haven't ton a whole lot of EC's, but the ones I do I am quite involved in. </p>
<p>What do you guys think my chances are at the following three schools:
University of Minnesota: Twin (Carlson School of Management)
University of Florida
University of Miami (Fla of course) </p>
<p>I have applied to other, less prestigious schools for safeties. I am already in at all of them. </p>
<p>Your stats are very good for the schools you are applying to. I know you are probably in at Miami and Florida. I don't know much about Minnesota to make a guess.</p>
<p>Your statistics are good, and I think that you will be in at all of the schools. Your ECs are not that bad, either, especially with the 20 hour per week job. I suppose that you are already in at U Iowa main campus. Your ACT looks good- consistent- wow, 32 across the board.</p>
<p>Match/Safe Match at all your schools, I'd be very surprised if you didn't get into all three. You might want to consider shooting a little higher (UMich, UVa, UWisc, UIUC for public schools that are good at business)</p>
<p>Thanks a bunch for all of the replies!! I'd really like to get in at all of the schools , yet I don't know what I'd do if I did. It will be an extremely tough decision. </p>
<p>Also, I think it would probably have been a decent idea to maybe reach into some of those higher ranked publics, but I suppose what I have is good enough. I've always wanted to be a gator, and it seems that they have some good things going on in Gainesville as far as academics. Who knows though.....</p>
<p>I'd appreciate any other replies/comments.</p>
<p>Oh and yes, I have been accepted at Iowa. Along with USF and Florida Gulf Coast University...haha.</p>
<p>It's 8 <em>above</em> zero right now. Give it a couple of weeks! Your class rank is vitally important at Minnesota, so it would be helpful to know that. I take classes at Minnesota (and specifically in Carlson) so let me know if you have any questions.</p>
<p>To answer a few of the questions presented:
-I applied to the lower tier Florida schools just becuase I like the areas. I love Fort Myers (which is where FGCU is) and my grand parents live there. Also, USF has a 7 year bs/md program that I was curious to see if I could get into. </p>
<p>-Haha, I'd want to go to Minnesota because I love Minneapolis, and I have family in the city and in the southern part of the state. I absolutely hate the cold, so I'm not sure how high up on the list it really is. </p>
<p>-And finally, my class rank really isn't very good. I want to say it's something like top 21/22 percent.</p>