Not to be obnoxious, but chance me? Please?

<p>I'm not trying to be one of those insecure people who know they'll get in and need a pep talk....I've heard UF is very competitive these days and I have no idea where I stand.</p>

<p>Public high school
Sat: 640 (CR), 660 (M), 700 (W), 2000 total
GPA: 3.87 u/w
2 AP classes Junior year
2 AP classes Senior year</p>

<p>School Activities: SGA (9th grade, 11th and 12th), Drama (9-12), Mascot (10th and 12th), Writer's Guild (11th-12th), NHS (10th grade only), Prom Committee, Relay for Life</p>

<p>Awards: 3rd place in district creative writing contest, Student of the Year awards in Geometry, Bio, Algebra II and Chem, and German 4 (these awards throughout 9-12th), and Principal Honor Roll (9th and 10th)</p>

<p>Work: Summer 2007 and Summer 2008, Summer Hire program</p>

<p>Volunteer: Volunteered as a T.A. (did TA type work but didn't get course credit since my school doesn't have an official TA program), Relay for Life, was in a play that raised money for a church roof repair</p>

<p>If I can think of anything else I'll edit it

<p>I would be surprised if you didn’t get the fat package in the mail.</p>

<p>THANKS dude! People who have way better stats than me (the kind of people who have 4 AP classes a year) were freaking out and it was starting to scare me =)</p>

<p>You have a chance but not a lock.</p>

<p>I applied to The University of Florida at the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
I’m coming from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I will be transferring 82 credits(if I get accepted). I fiinished 95% of my Gen. Ed. reqs.
Overall GPA: 3.67
Psychology Major.
Preprofessional Grades: Two A’s for Pyschology courses.
B for Calculus
An A for Biological science.
B for Statistics.
I know psychology is a popular major. That is why it is a limited major. And I’m an OOS student(though I have Florida residency), what are my chances?</p>

<p>^^^ Sorry about that. It was supposed to be a new thread, not a reply.</p>