Not your typical chances thread (chances for full need-based aid)

<p>Hi! I am a very low income student (<40 k, family of 7) and i am really interested in JHU. What kind of financial aid does JHU offer? Do they guarantee to meet 100% need w/ no loans?</p>

<p>Very few schools offer all no-loans to all students who qualify, there are just a few and i’m not sure if JHU is one of those. That said, I think any top 20 school is need blind or makes efforts to be as need-blind as possible so your income level will matter less and less as the schools you consider become more elite/selective.</p>

<p>The top schools just want the best - and if that’s you and you qualify for Financial Aid (which you would) then they’ll make it possible for you. GL!</p>