Not your typical Kenyon/Oberlin applicant. Will I fit in?

<p>Folks, a college student’s views should change during college - frequently. If not, then they’re missing one of the major points of going to college. Your identity as an 18-year-old is - and should be - a work in progress.</p>

<p>Maya Angelou used to start her classes at Wake Forest by telling her students (and I’m paraphrasing) “I have many ideas and beliefs, but I’m in love with none of them. I invite you to try to change my mind as we discuss because every time you succeed in doing so, you help to liberate me.” (And she was a lot older than 18 when she would say this! :slight_smile: )</p>

<p>I think our nation would be a healthier place if we all modeled Ms. Angelou’s intellectual values.</p>



<p>Interestingly enough, I’ve heard the same from far too many people who cannot tolerate having their political views challenged…or even having others speaking ill of them, regardless of their political views. Instead of genuine give-and-take discourse, they really preferred an echo chamber or those whose timidity in posing an opposing/dissenting political opinion could easily be overidden/stomped down. </p>

<p>I’ve heard and observed the same from classmates/neighbors/co-workers all over the political spectrum from libertarian/conservatives to your hardcore Marxist/Maoist apologists. It is one reason why I tend to go on alert when I do encounter people who hold strong political opinions of any kind…especially those who cannot tolerate their opinions “being attacked”.</p>

<p>I can tolerate it fine, thank you. I’m just coming here to ask if I could go to these schools without being shunned by the community.</p>

<p>Going back to one of your posts, it’s hard to believe you visited both schools. Kenyon is filled with preppy children of republican families, and athletes are well represented on campus.</p>

<p>What did you expect to hear? You clearly know the reputations of both schools.</p>

<p>I am currently a sophomore at Kenyon, and I strongly, strongly, STRONGLY urge you to consider Oberlin as your first choice. I would not wish Kenyon upon my worst enemy. </p>

<p>First, though, as to whether or not you would fit in. The majority of the student body is composed of liberal, rich, spoiled hipsters. However, the student body is NOT very politically/environmentally active, nor are they particularly inclined to discuss politics. In fact, the College Republicans group is actually more active on campus than College Dems because they are the minority and try to make themselves heard. I would not be too worried about being a conservative or not caring about the environment.</p>

<p>It’s good that you play football for the sheer enjoyment because our football team didn’t win a single game this season. The ‘jocks’ tend to hang out together, and you will definitely find like-minded kin if you attend. It’s also good that you’re willing to buy cheap crap at Wal-Mart because that’s the only store available to buy anything from. So no, I do not see your various reserves as a huge limitation to you finding friends.</p>

Kenyon is located in the middle of nowhere. There is nothing to do, ever, and you will welcome your classes and homework as a break from the boredom. The only thing to do on the weekends is go out and get drunk, and if you don’t enjoy doing that again and again and again, stay away. </p>

<p>Even though you may find like-minded or tolerant people here, the sheer number of annoying hipsters will drive you insane. They, by and large, are all the same - dress as if they’re poor even though Mommy and Daddy pay for everything, find the most obscure bands/music, wear huge dork classes. They are also INCREDIBLY pretentious and from your description of yourself you seem pretty down to earth, another red flag.</p>

<p>The community is also very insular, and if you don’t make friends within a few weeks, you’re never going to make friends. It is not a welcoming place, and the idea of Kenyon as a bubbly happy community that they try to sell you on the tours is crap.</p>

<p>The winters are also really rough - I don’t know where you are from but if it’s somewhere South of here you’ll suffer. They have to put dinky little fairy lights up on the trees on Middle Path during the winter so people get some light and don’t try to kill themselves - they are actually called ‘suicide lights.’</p>

<p>The ‘town’ of Gambier is tiny, and if you want food after midnight you are out of luck. If you do decide to go here I would STRONGLY recommend having a car so that you can escape to Columbus periodically. Otherwise you will go insane.</p>

<p>I could go on and on about why you should reconsider Kenyon as your first choice. When I visited I fell in love with the beautiful campus and strong sense of community - I was enchanted. I wish I had had someone to snap me out of it at the time, because the truth runs so much deeper.</p>

<p>In conclusion, I wouldn’t worry about fitting in. I would worry about the school in general, because I know I wish I had made a different choice. If you have any more questions about the academics, environment, etc, PLEASE feel free to [contact me] Meanwhile, reconsider.</p>