<p>I still don't know my roommate. I know the mail concerning this has been sent out quite a few days and most people have already been goolging their roommates. It's always like that. I can see every single expectant face of international students and the over-stuffed ship floating idly on Pacific Ocean at the amazing slowness that would awe my grandmother.</p>
<p>Housing forms, news tabloids, all lost in the vastness and complexity of oversea mailing service. The roommate mail is very likely catch the same fate.</p>
<p>Why don't CMU update "Now I am Enrolling"?
Who's the other guy in New House 108?</p>
<p>If you're not receiving any mail, is it possible that they have an incorrect address? Check cmu.edu/hub and click on SIO to see what they have on file as an address. If that's not the case, you can e-mail them if it's someting more serious than just your roommate mail.</p>
<p>@hohohmm i share ur pain....i too haven't received anything after my i20....its really annoying....by standard mail it takes about a month, so i am still waiting (that way we might recieve our roommate assignment info in the 2nd week of august!)...</p>
<p>Housing Services is not the most competent office on campus. The guy who's my roommate for next year (we'll be sophomores) got his housing packet, and according to it, his roommate is...himself. Basically, Housing Services needs to get their act together but we can't make them do so. Condolences to anyone getting screwed by them.</p>
<p>yea... i was lucky my roommate found me on facebook, cause i still haven't recieved any mail about it. in fact, until a week or so ago, my housing was still TBA online, while my roommate definitely got something in the mail two weeks ago. (and i'm not an international student. my address is correct too.)</p>
<p>has anyone tried calling and asking someone in housing about their roommates?</p>
<p>Calling housing might work, but possibly not. It's worth a try if you really want to find out. That's how my freshman year roommate found my name (I had no idea who was going to be my roommate until he emailed me).</p>