Nothing yet.....

<p>This is strange. Son has 1550/1600, straight As (#1 in class/515), AP scholar with distinction, great recs and ECs. NOT A WORD!</p>

<p>same. 1440/1600, straight A's. good ECs, good essay, excellent recs, 2nd in class, all ib and ap classes...nothing. no popup, no letter. why...:(</p>

<p>Today he was in the hospital all day getting a retina reattached (ouch!) and we were really hoping for some good news to lift his spirits. Nada...maybe they're saving something special.</p>

<p>Possibly the school you applied to or when you applied...(or regional stuff???)</p>

<p>UM is a reach for me and i havent gotten a pop up but my admissions counselor said my letter was mailed on wed. so it cant be good news.</p>

<p>haven't gotten a pop up or anything either, 1440/2170 SAT, 3.6 GPA. I wouldn't be surprised if I didn't get in though because I applied last minute on the Common App and never sent in any rec letters.</p>

<p>i just got mine! about 10 mins ago, it popped up! im in! have hope guys, don't be discouraged</p>

<p>Son got his pop up late last night.</p>

<p>maximus I am sure this is the first of many many acceptances for your son, given those stats! Good luck and wish him a speedy recovery, I am sure that added something special to a pretty crummy day.</p>

<p>Thank you ctmomof3, his surgery was successful and he's healing very well...ahh youth. This evening he got yet another piece of very good news. He was invited to Miami for a weekend to interview for the full tuition Singer Scholarship.</p>

<p>Hey, I'm a mom of son who applied in ED round with similar stats to your boy Maximum001. Congrats on the Singer invitation.</p>

<p>Miami is a dark horse if you ask me. I hope all your academic superstar kids give Miami a real shot. I think it's a great place and I think the president of the U is a star:) taking it to greater heights.</p>